England Photo Journal # 2!!!

Nov 28, 2005 22:50

So this is a big one! If you've got a slow computer, it's going to need a minute to prepare, because this is the week of PEAK 2005! And trust me, a ton of stuff went on, this is just the tip of the iceburg my friends...

*Some of the photos are different sizes because they're not all from my camera*

So this is actually a day before we left for PEAK, but I figured it was important because it shows the group reuniting! Jessie and I had already been in England for four days, and the rest of the 25th (Nepean Scouts) was just arriving that morning by bus in Chesterfield!

Our sub-camp crest! The theme of the camp was 'famous peaks of the world'...I'm not entirely sure who thought a 'magnetic mound' was considered a peak compared to a mountain like Everest (another sub camp) but I guess its more of a mountain than Mount Rushmore. So not as awsome as our Aurora cock-rocket of PEAK 2000, but the Didgeridoos were cool...

This is the line-up we had to wait nearly an hour in just to get to the opening ceremony, thats how many people were there! Again... notice the sea of yellow hats, you'd think that we could get another colour then the last time we were at PEAK, but no! And they used the same theme song too!(Sandstorm by Darude) Even though they had 5 years to come up with a new one!!!

A view of the main stage. All of the major events happened here (and in the bar tent...!)

Jessie in our tent the first morning! By the end of the week, we had people practically gathered around our tent in the mornings listening to Jessie trying to wake me up... (lets just say it was usually a loud and painful process!)

Us Canadians were hosting the street hockey activity for the week, and we managed to get two Brits in with us, one of them being Spenny who is somewhere under the hockey gear! (The other was Helen who rocked!)

Part of our street hockey gear was our ever-present PEAK passes (for going on and off site), our Fox 40 whistles, our PEAK staff neckers and our Team Canada hats. We were all looking 'sooo good' that we decided to form the J-Unit!...Yo!

Once in the morning, and once in the afternoon we would bring groups of 11 to the Baslow Sports Field where our street hockey activity was set up. This involved a 20 min hike there and back through: a kissing gate (a rotating gate that lets 5 people through at a time), at least 4 sheep gates (one person at a time), two large cow pastures (full of baby cows, their moms, and ocassionally a huge bull), and finally we had to lead the kids along an incredibly busy street! Hard work, but well worth it (Especially since we were some of the only people allowed to use the real showers in the sports center!)

Jessie showing off her crazy hockey skills to a group of PEAK kids! One of the neatest things about running an activity is the wide variety of people we got to meet, because they came from all over the world!

The Manical Monkeys!!! One of my favourite teams that I 'coached'. And... not to brag or anything, but I never lost a match! and seeing as we played three matches twice a day, I think thats fairly impressive!! (I'm SURE it was all me and not the kids who were the ones actually playing... heh heh)

One of the theme nights was the International Talent Show, so naturally we Canucks performed 'If I were not a Boyscout' (They had never heard of it before!) Long story short, we were almost bumped because they thought we were the Girl Guides from Toronto (Duh!) But last minute we were called on, so we quickly managed to find everyone, fix our costumes and put on a great performance! We had: Steven- farmer, Jessie- carpenter, Sean- boxer, Marc- lumber jack, John- firefighter, Franny- bird watcher, Andrew- hockey player, Me(Sarah)- British Girl Guide!

Another of the theme nights was a Grease night... this is Glynn, a usually hard-assed, ex-military British Scout Leader - wearing a dress.

On Grease night, everyone got in on the action, including the guys on stilts who patrolled all of the major activities. (they were also seen dressed as ninjas)

Jessie and Birdy were the prettiest Pink Ladies around!

The next night was beach party night!...

...some of the guys really got into it. (Thats my bikini on the guy on the right!)

Jessie and I getting rid of mid week-hairiness. The boys were just getting back at us for making fun of their daily strip-down and wash routine.

The grounds that the camp was held on belong to Chatsworth Estate, home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. (This is only a side of one of the wings of the house)

A sign on the front gate. I found it greatly amusing.

According to Jessie, if I were a statue, this is what I would look like... ¬_¬

A very small section of the back garden which consisted of fountains, statues, a hedge maze of sorts, an elaborate rock garden, and gorgeous trees.

A very beautiful place, but look out it could be deadly!!!

Fluffy-footed chickens!!! They were so tame you could walk right up and pet them! (Which is a good thing cause they were everywhere!)

Night hike!!! Usually very fun, unless you have Larry leading you. Larry has climbed every major mountain in the world. He managed to make us hike up hill both ways!! (I kid you not) and through cow-pie filled pastures too.

Garry and Chris! They sang The Ants Go Marching with me for over an hour!

And finally... once again testing the theory of a three man tent!

Thats it for now, tune in next time for our adventures during homestay and London!

Same bat time, same bat channel.

Well it's time honoured tradition
To get enough nutrition
Stay alive until you die
And that is the end of you
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