Quote happy fun.
- 7 Shows
- 5 Quotes from each show
Shows: SeaQuest DSV, Supernatural, Charmed, A-Team, Airwolf, Stargate: Atlantis... ah well, I can't think of a 7th show, so... I'll put 10 quotes for SeaQuest, Supernatural, and Stargate: Atlantis.
[Murdoch is looking sad]
Hannibal: What's the matter, Captain?
Murdock: Something horrible.
Face: What's the matter? Billy get hit by a car.
Murdock: WORSE.
[gives Hannibal his hospital release]
Murdock: I've been thrown out. Cast out...
Hannibal: You've been found sane?
Murdock: You got it.
B.A. Baracus: I thought you weren't crazy no more?
Murdock: Only on paper.
Face: [the team's plane is starting to malfunction] Uh, Murdock, what's going to happen?
Murdock: Looks like we're going to crash.'
Face: No, what's *really* going to happen?
Murdock: Looks like we're going to crash and die.
[Murdoch is giving a direct blood transfusion to B.A, who is squirming]
Hannibal: B.A., just relax.
B.A. Baracus: I told you guys for the last time. I don't want this sucker's blood in me. It's going to make me crazy like him.
Murdock: No, it's not going to make you crazy, it'll make you mellow. You can even room with me at the V.A. I'll have them bring in an extra bunk and we can sit together and watch the walls melt.
B.A. Baracus: Hannibal!
B.A. Baracus: We're flying this time, aren't we?
Hannibal: Yes, we are.
B.A. Baracus: You're not going to drug me this time. I'm going to keep my eye on you.
Hannibal: In that case, do you want the last swallow of your milk?
[B.A. realizes he's been had, raises his fist and then collapses]
Hannibal: Guess not.
[Hannibal has just drugged B.A. and his head has hit the horn]
Face: Why does he always fall on the horn?
Hannibal: Beats me.
Dr. Robert Winchester: Tell Hawke... fly cold.
Michael 'Archangel' Coldsmith Briggs III: Airwolf, Archangel here. Dr. Winchester says "fly cold".
Dominic Santini: Cold?
Stringfellow Hawke: Pull the plug back there, Dom, their into our electronics!
Dominic Santini: Everything?
Stringfellow Hawke: Every last microchip... It's Orville and Wilbur time.
Dominic Santini: [after they've flown Airwolf into the Upper Atmosphere] Now, would mind telling me why the hell we did that?
Stringfellow Hawke: I just wanted to see if it could be done.
[the Lear-Jet used by Archangel and Marella to retrieve Larry Mason from Mexico is being chased by an armed P-51]
Larry Mason: I wonder why he hasn't shot us down yet?
Marella: Oh, you're one bundle of optimism!
[Hawke is fighting an air-to-air duel with the pilot of Redwolf]
Stringfellow Hawke: Land that thing, now! While I'm still in the mood to let you!
Dr. Robert Winchester: I was just thinking about something Dr. Moffet said.
Diana Norris: Who's Moffet?
Dr. Robert Winchester: The designer of Airwolf, he's dead now... We were at a party one night- got this funny grin on his face. He said, "Robert, Airwolf is very much a living thing, more than you can imagine."
Diana Norris: What did he mean?
Dr. Robert Winchester: I'm just beginning to understand... Inside its computer, Airwolf contains its own design, just like a living creature, complete information as to how to re-create itself.
Piper: The only Halliwell that likes earthquakes.
Prue: I don't like them, but I don't go running naked through the house screaming, "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE." either.
Phoebe: Okay, that is such an exaggeration. I was wearing slippers.
Piper: You were at Cole's all night?
Phoebe: Uh huh.
Piper: Did you?
Phoebe: Uh huh.
Piper: Was he?
Phoebe: Uh huh.
Prue: Great, so some guy couldn't keep it in his sheath and now I'm marked for death.
Piper: Well, some men can be very sensitive about their weapons.
Paige: Power. Power's good. I like power. Why do I like power?
[Phoebe was just turned into a pumpkin. Adam walks over to the pumpkin and picks it up. He raises it above his head. Cole walks out]
Cole: Put it down. Gently.
Adam: I can't. The witch'll kill me.
Cole: So will I. You don't wanna hurt her.
[Adam throws the pumpkin and Cole freezes it. He walks over and picks it up]
Cole: Oh, what am I gonna do with you?
[he unfreezes Adam and punches him in the face]
Cole: Keep your hands off my pumpkin!
Stargate: Atlantis:
Maj. John Sheppard: [after being chased by an alien probe] That was different.
General Jack O'Neill USAF: For me... not so much.
Carson Beckett M. D.: How come I never make friends like that?
Dr. Rodney McKay: You need to get out more.
Carson Beckett M. D.: We're in another galaxy. How much more out can you get?
[Dr. McKay is wearing an Ancient personal force field generator]
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: I'm still trying to understand how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh, believe me, that's not the first thing we tried.
Maj. John Sheppard: [Smug] I shot him.
[Dr. Weir gives him "the look"]
Maj. John Sheppard: In the leg!
Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm invulnerable!
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
Dr. Rodney McKay: [Smug] In-vul-nerable!
Carson Beckett M. D.: He fainted.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh there's gotta be a better word.
Carson Beckett M. D.: Faint is a proper medical term.
Dr. Rodney McKay: I passed out from... manly hunger!
Maj. John Sheppard: Without inertial dampening, we'd be hit by so many g's, our eyes would pop, our skin would pull away from our faces, our brains would squish up to the back our skulls, and our internal organs would be crushed into these chairs. What about that sandwich?
Dr. Rodney McKay: I built an atomic bomb for my grade six science fair exhibit.
Lt. Aiden Ford, USMC: They let you do that up in Canada?
Maj. John Sheppard: [the sensors have discovered a powerful energy field] You think it's worth checking out?
Dr. Rodney McKay: Any significant energy emission generally indicates technological civilization.
Maj. John Sheppard: So... you think it's worth checking out?
Dr. Rodney McKay: [sarcastically] I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: We're heading towards a food shortage.
Dr. Rodney McKay: [Mouth full] I know, it's getting desperate. I'm almost out of coffee.
Maj. John Sheppard: Well, maybe you should stop drinking eleven cups a day.
Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm just making sure I'm getting my fair share before it's all gone.
Lt. Aiden Ford, USMC: Sounds fair.
Dr. Rodney McKay: What is it you said they grow here anyway?
Teyla Emmagan: Many things, but they are best known for a bean known as Tava.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Java?
Maj. John Sheppard: Tava!
Dr. Rodney McKay: Maybe we should offer a sense of humour in trade.
Maj. John Sheppard: Sure. They can have yours.
Sam Winchester: What the hell are you doing here ?
Dean Winchester: I was looking for a beer.
Sam Winchester: Dean... what the *hell* are you doing here?
Sam Winchester: Okay, all right. We gotta talk.
Sam Winchester: Uhm... the phone ?
Dean Winchester: If I woulda called you would you have picked up?
Sam Winchester: "Kids are the best"? You don't even like kids.
Dean Winchester: I love kids!
Sam Winchester: Name three children, that you even know.
Dean Winchester: [after long pause] I'm thinking !
Sam Winchester: No. Whatever you wanna say you can say it in front of her.
Dean Winchester: Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days.
Sam Winchester: Jess, excuse us, we have to go outside.
Jessica: Your brother said he was on some kind of hunting trip?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, he's okay. He probably got Jim, Jack and José along with him.
Sam Winchester: Dean, what I said about Mom and Dad, I'm sorry.
Dean Winchester: Hey, no chick-flick moments.
Sam Winchester: All right. Jerk.
Dean Winchester: Bitch.
Sam Winchester: When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45.
Dean Winchester: What was he supposed to do?
Sam Winchester: I was *nine* years old. He was supposed to say, "Don't be afraid of the dark"!
Dean Winchester: "Don't be afraid of the dark'"? Are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there!
Sam Winchester: So what's the theory?
Ranger Wilkinson: Seriously? We don't know. Serial murder, Kidnapping ring...
Dean Winchester: Well, that's exactly the kinda crack police work I'd expect outta you guys...
Homeland Security Man: Can I help you, boys ?
Dean Winchester: No, sir, we were just leaving.
[two FBI agents walk past them]
Dean Winchester: Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.
Homeland Security Man: Boy, you are officially a suspect.
Dean Winchester: That makes sense, 'cause when the first victim went missing in '82, I was three.
[Sam and Dean are posing as potential homeowners]
Lynda Bloome: Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or...
[looks at Sam and Dean]
Lynda Bloome: sexual orientation.
Dean Winchester: Hmm, right.
[to Sam]
Dean Winchester: I'm gonna go talk to Larry. Okay, honey?
[slaps Sam on the ass]
SeaQuest DSV:
O'Neill: The more I read, the more questions I have. Everytime I pass a library I get an anxiety attack.
[Dagwood has claimed to see a horse on board]
Dagwood: A horse is a horse.
Piccolo: Of course, of course.
Admiral Noyce: Captain Bridger must have a good reason for his actions.
Dr. Raleigh Young: He certainly does - he's lost his mind.
O'Neill: He was also the god of earthquakes - he'd stick his trident in the ground and skake it.
Ford: Oh, that's very scientific. Let's hope he doesn't flush the toilet.
Capt. Nathan Bridger: She seems very committed.
Ford: She ought to be committed.
Lucas: Captain, this is a Level One UEO sealed file. Opening it would be illegal.
Capt. Nathan Bridger: Why do you think I came to you?
Lucas: Good point.
Lucas: This thing is wrapped tighter than Krieg's wallet.
Ford: Tell me, is there anything you can't do?
Brody: Yeah, I'm having one heck of a time learning the bagpipes.
Ford: Bet you look good in the skirt.
Dr. Raleigh Young: I'll not be given the runaround by a flock of vapid lackeys!
CPT Nathan Bridger: What's the depth of this vessel?
Hologram: 200 feet.
Bridger: What's the speed?
Hologram: 20 Knots
Bridger: What's the meaning of life?
Hologram: Be more specific.