so, most people out there have a parent or two, right? and many of them have jobs or even careers, no? ya ever been to this place where your parent has gone to daily for the last two or three decades? if your parent is a relatively friendly, smart, whatever, then they likely are friends with many people at this supposed office location.
now these friends and coworkers, being the nice, average americans that they are, wish to make small talk in an attempt to decrease the inevitable awkwardness that pervades social interactions between individuals of widely dissimilar interests, ages, lifestyles, races, and/or political views. this aim is not, in itself, particularly annoying or noteworthy.
however, this coupled with the fact that people with nothing in common tend to not have much to discuss, leads to a surprisingly narrow range of comments ever escaping from these polite, normal folks' mouths. like, there's really only one to three things that these people, who all tend to know me without me knowing them from adam, tend to ever say. now, one of these topics, while apparently seeming to each of these individual humans to be a completely innocent and potentially connection-building observation, could actually be described - if your perception closely parallels my own - as the most obnoxious, disgust-inducing pattern that pervades my summer activities, leaving me with little else to do but smile as i try to comprehend the indescribable banality that leads people to mention this fact as opposed to some other, ANY other, topic within the lord's immaculate creation.
would you like to know what it is?
"you look just like your father!", or some close variation thereof.
see, i have no problem with the fact that i am, indeed, of similar countenance as he. it's fine: he's a good-looking gentleman, and well, trying to escape genetics is rather futile. however, the sheer repetitiveness is a little maddening. like some old the outer limits episode where every other soul that the protagonist meets has undergone some minor change, leading to a vague sense that perhaps it is not the world that has gone crazy, but oneself!
in any case, i think that i may, by now, have purged the peeve from my proverbial pet. i'm gonna let it wash over me like rain, as our good friend lester burnham would say. because it's a pretty petty thing to be in the least affected by.