Aug 14, 2010 03:03
- Comcast outage this morning meant no twitter during breakfast. It is most definitely Friday the 13th, btw. Blerg.
- HASHTAGS! RT @zephoria: OMG, the Twitter parody film just made my morning: (tx @nancybaym)
- The best part of the parody is the song though. The song was the only part of "the social network" trailer that I liked. Well done.
- Oh good. The dreadfully boring meeting was rescheduled for monday. sweet
- Honestly, the easiest way to gauge if a WoW-er is going to be a dbag? Age. The under-21 set for both genders tend to be full of dramz
- Holy crap, I totally want to retire to Belize now: (how to retire for under $1500 a month)
- RT @fuggirls: I haven't decided if I want to see Eat Pray Love, but I am SURE that I would see a movie called Drink Swear Hate - J
- One. more. hour. I can make it!
- DONE. I am outta here! Weeeeee! *runs flailing from week of fail*
- I put on my robe and
- RT @sacbee_news: Sacto 9-1-1: Update: Missing Fair Oaks girl, 5, found safe, deputies say
- Bluh. Guess I needed a nap? 2 hours went *poof* Husband is off questing for Chinese food.
- Mrrr. Remembered why I never take naps. It takes me forever to fully wake-up from one. *stares at internet like a zombie*
- Respecced the DK from blood to unholy for outland. So far: more fun, more dps. Win! @ psynister wrote a nice guide
- My dog is totally dreaming about eating something. It is hilarious
- My brother put up photos of his car accident. Thank god that car was a tank. I really really couldn't handle a funeral right now
- He's fine, his dogs are fine (both were in the car) but the car is totaled. Don't blow a tie rod at 60 mph. Could have been worse though
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