Femslashex Dear Creator Letter

Aug 22, 2018 22:37

Dear Femslashex Creator,

First of all, thank you so much for writing me a story, I cannot wait to see what you come up with!

Second of all, I am much more interested in reading a story you want to tell than in one tailored exactly to the stuff below, I write the kind of letter I want from my recipient, so if it's not helpful feel free to disregard! This is more throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks, if that makes sense? Optional details are optional and all that.

(I confess the below is straight-up lifted from previous letters as my tastes don't seem to change v much these days.)

Squicks: I’m not the biggest fan of dark fic and angst, by which I mean a lot of angst and misery with no point to it, just as an end in and of itself. I think characters having difficulties and there being some sort of resolution or at least a bittersweet/hopeful outcome is fine, but unrelenting woe, less so. Incest is also a no for me, likewise rape and non-con/dubcon, and uneven power dynamics and emotional manipulation, abuse and violence. (When I say uneven power dynamics, I don't mean in a kinky way, that's fine, like if it's negotiated and something they're both into that's *awesome*, but like emotionally unhealthy/abusive dynamics, less so?) I’m not a huge fan of major character death either, at least for the stuff I've requested. I'm also not a fan of paedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia.

Yays: I love fluff, found families, particularly if it features unconventional family units and polyamory. Always OT3s, never love triangles, etc. (On that note, I really hate cheating/being unfaithful.) Basically, openness and communication are always better than miscommunications and shenanigans.

I also *love* hurt/comfort so much I can't even. Light on hurt, high on comfort. I am totally ridiculous with this trope.

Humour/banter/silliness. I’m pretty happy with any rating. If you have the urge to write 1k of PWP, feel free. If that's the idea you have, I'd say go with whatever you see the characters as being into! Personally I end up reading stories featuring d/s and bondage. I do tend to read more fic where people talk about their feeeelings but porn/NC17/PWP is also awesome.

This is less applicable to this exchange but as a data point, I love backstory fic, character studies, gen fic, seeing how characters interact and what makes them friends/lovers/whatever they are to each other. Stuff that shows why they're close, being perceptive of each others' needs, small kindnesses, low-key hanging out.

I love all sorts of tropes like stuck in an elevator, now we have to talk about our feeeeelings. Or shag. Or like going on missions/adventures together. Spy shenanigans and dressing up shenanigans are also great.

Also a quick note on -isms, pinched with permission from a friend's letter: I don't mind if sexism, racism, ableism are portrayed in fic as long as they're dealt with. For example, it's OK if someone thinks Character A can't do something because she's a girl, as long as the story as a whole clearly doesn't agree!

Critical Role - Beauregard/Jester, Beauregard/Jester/Yasha, Jester/Yasha, Keyleth/Vex'ahlia, Pike Trickfoot/Vex'ahlia, Zahra Hydris/Vex'ahlia

I love this show so much right now, IDEK, man. I would be so happy to receive any of these pairings. Also, I have a lot of poly headcanons for this show, particularly for Vox Machina, so I'd also be delighted with Keyleth/Pike/Vex, or like, Zahra just seducing all three of the Vox Machina girls for instance. I'm also perfectly happy with Vex and Keyleth's canon het ships so it's fine if those are still a thing in the background, but equally, this is a femslash exchange and femslash is my jam, so y'know. ;D (I actually deeply ship Percy and the half-elves as a policule sans incest on the twins' part but that's by the by.)

I've only recently finished Vox Machina's campaign and I've discovered I have really low tolerance for post-campaign stuff unless it kind of...ignores Vax's death entirely. I realise this probably isn't a problem for this exchange, but I've found I'm definitely not ready to read fic coping with that. On the flip side, I love stuff that folds into canon while the campaign is going.

Other than that I'd be so happy with anything you wanted to write. This fandom seems to like PWP and kink and that's A+ in my book, but so is every other rating. All the general stuff I said above applies, really, I love hurt/comfort, also huddling for warmth, also sharing a bed. All sorts of fun tropes about adventuring together apply to all these pairings. I LOVE how both parties are either a found family or starting to become one.

With the Mighty Nein, I LOVE seeing them become a family, I love what shit shows they are. I'd love seeing your take on how any of the above get together. (I actually also adore Beau/Yasha but I feel like the show and fandom have that ship covered so I don't feel the need to request it if that makes sense? But I super super ship it. Similar with Beau/Keg.)

Mass Effect - Female Shepard/Liara T'Soni, Female Shepard/Samantha Traynor/Liara T'Soni

So first off, a very quick note, I TOTALLY MISSED that I could also request EDI/Samantha Traynor and EDI/Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, so please consider those in the mix if that's helpful to you!

The main thing to note about Mass Effect specifically is I have a lot of poly headcanons, so if you feel like writing say, Shep/Liara/Ashley or Shep/Liara/Ashley/Tali, or Shep/Liara/Tali I'd be WILDLY in favour! (I'm genuinely very into what I requested, but just as a data point!)

Other than that I really just love them all a lot. I love the found family aspects of the Normandy crew, I love how epic the fact you can romance Liara across all games ends up feeling.

Oh. I LOVE the ending of Mass Effect 3 and I really don't want fic that bashes it? That shouldn't be applicable this exchange but cards on the table and all that.

I'd love to see down time between adventures, whether on the Normandy, or the Citadel, or one of the other worlds, also whichever ship grappling with the aftermath of something like Thessia or Leaving Earth, or MARS. Or an extra scene during Citadel DLC. Or an extra random adventure in the MAKO.

Steerswoman - Rosemary Kirstein - Bel/Rowan

Gah, I ship them SO MUCH OMG. I can't get over how queer their friendship already is in the books, particularly book 4. I would LOVE fic exploring how they take that step from friendship to romance (friends to lovers is a trope I adore).

This is actually also a pairing where PWP would be great though. I don't know what kinks they might be into, if any, but I'd be interested in your take on that!

Or future fic of them as a couple, or like, slice of life of them on the road together, or any kind of tropey ridiculousness. (Hurt/comfort! Huddling for warmth! Sharing a bed!)

Plotty stuff speculating how the story post book 4 might go would also be good, or something set in the Outskirts, or just a random adventure, maybe on a boat.

I adore the way they work together and complement each other, and how quickly they bonded, so stuff about that would also be wonderful.

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