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Jul 02, 2006 02:01

Who: Gaara and Rukia (Public)
Where: A Library
When: Thursday Afternoon
Warnings: None
Summary: Rukia picks up a book by C.S.Lewis and intrigue Gaara.

Rukia had been getting curious about books lately. Not all reading had to do with school and boring stuff like that. It would be interesting to pick up something that wasn't torture to read. As she passed the third aisle in the library, she caught a glimpse of a battered translation of The Lion, the Witch , and the Wardrobe. She examined the cover. Well....it looked interesting even if it didn't look very long. It looked as though it might be a series.

The red head couldn't remember the last time he was at the library. Usually he went to book stores, but the library was closer on his way back from work. Which, by the way had become rather boring now that the coference was over. He found himself playing over the internet more than working. Gaara wasn't much for playing around, so perhaps a book would be a more efficiant way to spend his time in the office.

He had to stop though when he noticed a girl, small but sturdy looking, looking through a book. Gaara, even introverted, had a curious nature. He peeked from where he was at, over her shoulder to see what she was reading. A smirk crossed his lips. The girl had good taste. Lewis was his favorite.

Rukia sensed a pair of eyes on her even though she never heard someone approach.. Slowly, she turned to look over her shoulder and jumped. She was nearly eye to eye with a pair of intense sky blue ovals. It was a boy only a little taller than she, with short red hair. He wore an expression of interest. She wondered if maybe he had been looking at the book she was holding.


"Ah." He took a step back. He had been invading her space. "Sorry."

The expression on the boy's face amused Rukia. He looked like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. A smile found its way to her face." It's allright. Were you looking at this book?"

She held it out

"Ah, I just noticed you had it," he admitted. "I already have that book. I have all of his books."

Rukia's curiosity was aroused. " Oh? Is he any good?" The boy looked a little familiar. But where could she have seen him?

"Ah yes. Very good," Gaara replied. He took another step back. "Non-fiction is better than his fiction though."

The raven haired girl wasn't sure what to make of the last statement. " I don't know very much about books. I've only ever read manga, but I wanted to broaden my horizons. We're all force fed this boring junk in school; I wondered what a real novel was like." She paused and thought a moment. " You know, actually, I couldn't recall the last thing I read just because I wanted to."

"You're missiong out," Gaara told her. "He's a pretty easy read, so you should be fine starting off with Lewis. "

" My name is Kuchiki Rukia, by the way. And you are?" Rukia asked her new companion.

"Gaara," he answered giving a small nod. He wouldn't go as far as calling Rukia a new companion though. Yes, he was considerable more socialable than he was a few months ago, but that didn't mean he lost his sense of parinoia or that the wall he kept up and shattered any.

" A pleasure to meet you." Rukia said. Uh oh, I think he's a quiet one. Wait...I know.... " Hey! Do you happen to go my school?"

"I go do school...." he pointed out. "I'm not sure if I go to your school though."

" We have some water balloon war scheduled to happen soon, though I'm not sure that is school related." Rukia said, none too helpfully. " Gen - Yachiru started it." She resisted the impulse to call Yachiru ' general.'

"I noticed in her journal," Gaara replied. "Though it sounds like too much activity for me. I don't have very much stanima." Especially since he hadn't slept in quite awhile.

" It's not usually something I would get involved in, but it sounds fun nonetheless." Rukia admitted. Yes, she hoped that 'bandages ' was on Itachi's team so she could throw a water ballon right in his face. Her eyes gleamed at the thought. She would never admit it, but she was just aching to throw some water balloons.

"I might watch?" Gaara suggested. In all actuality it did sound found, but the concept of so many people in one spot made his head throb already.

Rukia frowned. " You look very tired all of a sudden. Are you okay?"

"Ah, yes," Gaara replied. "Quite alright."

Geez. A man of many words. I wonder if he ever gets excited? Rukia resisted the urge to look exasperated. She turned back to the rows of books. Maybe he was a better companion in silence.

Was that a sign to ignore him? Usually, that was the case. He turned and moved to go to another section and see if he could find something he hadn't read yet.

What an odd fellow. Rukia thought. First he appears out of nowhere over my shoulder, then he walks away. Well, what can you expect from a stranger, Rukia? She mused silently. He was cute though. Too bad he was boring. As it occured to her what she had just thought , she stifled a laugh, but didn't quite succeed.

Gaara turned his head to look her way again. "What's so funny?"

" Just the way you popped up like a curious Tanuki." Rukia smiled.

There was a long pause of silence with a little widening to Gaara's eyes. Then he started to chuckled. "I often compare myself to those."

Rukia was surpised. " Honto ni? Well then I hit the nail on the head, Tanuki San."

Gaara blushed slightly at the nick name and turned his head away. "Ah..."

Ha! How adorable, he's blushing! Her grin was now a permanent fixture. I suppose it's okay if he's quiet. It's not in a scary way, at least. " Maybe I will check out this book. Does he have others?"

"Ah...I, I have them if you can't find them though," he offered.

Rukia beamed. " So if I like this one, you'll let me borrow the rest?" Yeah, the kid wasn't so bad.

"Uh, yea, sure," he replied, taking another step back.

" You look scared. I'm not going to eat you." Rukia laughed. " I just want to borrow some books." Does somebody abuse the poor guy?,/i>

"I'm not afraid," he insisted, sternly.

Ah! It wants a fight! Squeeee!> " You sure looked apprehensive for someone who was not."

"I just like a little breathing room."

Rukia feigned derisiveness. " Said he who came into my space first."

"Sorry. I forgot myself for a moment."

Oh man, he took me seriously. " Jodan daiyou , jodan. It wasn't expected , but that didn't make it bad." Rukia said. " I mean, it gets dull when you always know exactly what's going to happen. I think so. Does that seem strange?"

"Yes," Gaara admitted, with a smirk.

" An honest answer." Rukia said , approvingly. " Well perhaps, but it's still what I think. Knowing and not knowing have a lot of influence over what happens next. For instance, had I expected to see a red haired tanuki among the book shelves...." She let the sentence hang.

" Well, perhaps I'd have brought my camera." she said after consideration

"Ah, I'm glad you didn't bring it," Gaara replied. "I'm not much for taking pictures."

He must not joke around a lot. Rukia thought. But she couldn't help but wonder about his strange statement. " How come?"

"Flashes give me headaches," he replied, honestly.

" Oh." Rukia was taken aback. That was an answer he she wasn't expecting. Gaara certainly was interesting, quiet or not. You could never tell what he was going to say next. But she had just said herself that the expected was tedious. She smiled, and collected a few other books she had been looking at. Hell, why not. Take them all, she had to return them anyway. She looked back. " I had fun talking with you, Gaara. For one of the quiet ones, your not so bad."

"Ah," he gave a nod. "I talk more when you know me better." It was true, though lately the people that's been wanting to get him to know better, were currently not interested it seemed. If that made any sense.

Rukia chuckled. " You're an intriguing character, if you come here often, we might meet again."

"Looking forward to it."

He was? Another surprise. What do you know.

She was an interesting character. It was nice to have someone around to stimulate his senses. That hadn't happened in awhile. He was just about to give up on Hinata, feeling utterly abandoned.

Rukia stood in line with her books in hand. It had turned out to be a good day. She'd picked up a new hobby and made a new companion all in one sweep.
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