Title: The Most Magical Place On Earth - Chapter One
Characters: Seeing as this, in the story, is an anniversary special, there are 25 characters. 24 contributors, plus me. I couldn't write a fic about the TGWTG gang going to Disney World and not put myself in it!
Pairings: In this chapter, none.
Rating: PG, though Nash drops the f-word once.
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Comments 2
I can just imagine all the fun everyone can be having. Phelous going through the Haunted Mansion. Chick harassing the girl that plays Ariel and getting chased by sercurity. And not to mention the all too classic "One of the Disney Mascots getting too friendly" with one of the CA female reviewers and trying to grope them leading to a all out brawl.
lol, hilarious! I can't wait to see what happens next.
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