I'm gleeful really, I mean, Evan is so fun, we've enjoyed him so much. Not to say a girl wouldn't have been a welcome addition too, but...I have been BEAMING all day.
Ultrasound did NOT go well. First, baby is healthy, which is what matters, she was able to get his heart checked, femur measured, etc. But, my placenta is THICK, and I am measuring 18 weeks, versus the baby measuring 22 weeks. He was snuggled into the side of the placenta, and she just could not get a picture of his face at all. He is squished in there! She easily got his boy-bits and his heart chambers, thank goodness. They don't think right now this is an issue, but can turn into one later. We'll likely get another ultrasound because of it, so maybe better pictures then. This does explain my lack of "poppage" considering this is my second's strange this is only happening in my second pregnancy. What is nice is that this is supposed to make it harder to feel kicks/movement, but I feel this bugger move/kick several times a day. :) So yay there too...yay for a healthy baby, it's okay if I will be even more outnumbered now. :p