This is the first grand adventure of a Tauren named Cacci. He had been wanting a certain pet and traveled long and far to attain it, this is his tale...
So we all know and love Ferrar, but in down town i created a character named Cacci who is a Tauren hunter. My very first character on WoW was a tauren hunter named Foraz but he is long lost in Eredar and I find myself always in Ursin. anyways... moving on... Cacci so you know is not just a cute name, but its derives from the word cacciatore which in italian means hunter.
I havent played him much, but in my last time playing him seriously, I took of on an adventure to get a pet known as a ravager. sure i could wait until outlands, but then... no i dont want to jaja. So i took off in alliance territory to find them.
Our tale begins after I had gotten the FP on the Zoram Strand and made my way north to Darkshore. After having being attacked by guards multiple times,
when all i tried to do was walk past them I found myself on a ship, where I thought it the great idea to start taking pictures so i did. So with this joyous idea, I danced...
i finally made it to this island that was huge, and I searched far and wide for them. Being careful not to go near any guards, for I have already had bad experiences with them. I finally found the little guy running around with his little buddies. sigh* so I picked the one I wanted and its the stuff of legends from there.
again we danced...
turns out on my way to view the exodar I got a bit too close, and well these Draeni guards just weren;t too pleased about that at all. so... they killed me. but in their ignorance I was able to take some picture with these creatures known as elekks i believe. Im the ghost in the middle
the door was open, so i thought i should venture inside
but once again i saw guards, so i stopped... and later went back outside. i got the notion i wasnt welcome
so with a hearty cheer of victory, and a few dances grooves
i finally hearthed home to Thunder Bluff to wait patiently until Ferrar reached lv 70