Note: I did not edit any of these pictures i.e. crop, brighten, clear up...etc
Kahalu'u Beach...where we snorkeled. It was a big protected area, lots of coral and fish. Turtles graced us with their company. The water was amazingly clear
Oh my sea turtle friend :) Remember that on these cameras there is no zoom...aka that is how close he really was to me :) This was the second time i had snorkeled with a sea turtle.
Convict Tangs
Sailfin Tang
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Lined Butterflyfish
VERY FRIENDLY Stripebelly Puffers
Moorish Idol
Yellow Tang
Maybe a Palenose Parrotfish? I'm pretty sure it is some kind of Parrotfish
Juvenile Yellowtail Coris
Adult female Yellowtail Coris
Yellowtail Coris, Yellow Tang, Convict Tangs, and some other kind of fish, maybe a female parrotfish
Cauliflower Coral
Orangeband Surgeonfish and Yellow Tangs
Black Triggerfish
Coral, a yellow tang, and another fish
First time i saw a sea turtle underwater
Convict Tangs, Black Triggerfish and some fish i have no idea what they are
Humuhumunukunuku apu a'a
No clue what this is, besides it being a fish
we also saw a female box pufferfish, needlefish, snowflake moray eel, and a whole bunch of wrasses