This is actually pretty funny

Aug 19, 2005 09:32

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet meggowiggle? through school here at Concordia
2.~What would you do if you had never met suleapinstar? are you kidding me I don't know, Emily is the greatest!
3.~What do you honestly think of molly62684? Shes fun
4.~Would or did jillo44musc and sknittel646 go out? no way polar opposites
5.~Have you ever liked texassweet? nope, sorry Ericka
6.~If jcrow917 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I love you my Praise Buddy!
7.~Would tamada80 and meggowiggle make a good couple? nope, my sister is happily seeing someone and Meghan is married
8.~Describe meggowiggle in 3 words: dependable, loving, fun
9.~Do you think grace782 is hot? of course ;)
10.~Would jcrow917 and meggowiggle make a lovely couple? nope, again Meghan is married
11.~What do you think of when you see sknittel646? Meghan
12.~Tell me something humiliating about meggowiggle: hahaha, the zit thing in the changing room at her wedding
13.~Do you know any of lubunbun's family members? no
14.~What's meggowiggle's favorite color? purple?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is tabtabmarie? cute, tabs a 10
16.~What would you do if earth2kim02 just professed their undying love for you? be a little afraid
17.~What language does jillo44musc speak? english maybe a little spanish too
18.~Who is airen8 going out with? not only going out with but shes engaged to JOSH!
19.~Is enrique182 a boy or a girl? hes a guy
20.~Would chairstacker and earth2kim02 make a good couple? no, two girls together yikes!
21.~Who do you think lutheranchick would be great with from this list? probably nobody
22.~When was the last time you talked to grace782? i don't know, its been a while
23.~What is texassweet's favorite band? no clue
24.~Does tamada80 have any siblings? yes-me and my brother!!
25.~Would you ever date lubunbun? nope, sorry Luci
26.~Would you ever date meggowiggle? no I prefer guys
27.~Is lutheranchick single? I believe so
28.~What is meggowiggle's last name? Knittel
29.~What is chairstacker's middle name? Marie
30~What is molly62684's fantasy? to graduate and have a family
31.~Where does enrique182 live? Austin but hes fixin to move to San Antonio
32.~Would you make out with meggowiggle? no way, again I prefer guys
33.~Are suleapinstar and lubunbun best friends? not best friends, but friends
34.~Does meggowiggle like meggowiggle? I'm sure Meghan likes herself
35.~How did you meet chairstacker? from hanging out on Em and Tab's hall so much
36.~Is grace782 older than you? yes by a year
37.~Is meggowiggle the sexiest person alive? no, because she doesn't have a hairy chest!
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