1. Initials: KMJ
2. name someone with the same birthday as you: No clue.
3. where was your first kiss? outside, thats all thats necessary for that question.
4. for or against same sex marriages? definitaly for. what would it hurt?
5. are you homophobic? HA, yeah, me a homophobe. psh, my best friend, duh! im definitaly not homophobic.
6. are you bisexual? nope. strict dick. ;)
7. do you believe in God? nope
8. how many US states have you been to? i dont know, 6 or 7?
9. how many of the US states have you lived in? three, NC, OH, and PA
10. have you ever lived outside the US? yup, i do now.
11. name something you like physically about yourself: My eyes.
12. name something non physical you like about yourself: my sense of humor or the way i can just get along with most people.
13. where do you want to go to college? I wanted to go to UNCW really bad, but im going to a pretty good school instead. University of Maryland Europe
14. what is your dream car? hmm...it changes alot. but Id love a corvette.
15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hawaii, and i cant wait to see Paris.
16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone? Yes, and while they were there sleeping. oh the teenage rebellion haha.
17. how many concerts have you gone to? wow, alot. when i was little my mom took me to all of the country concerts that came in our area.
18. do you download music? i used to, and i have to start doing it again.
19. how many illegal things have you done? hmm...lets just say more then i could count on my fingers...and toes....and your fingers and toes. haha.
20. where would you want to go on a first date? it really depends on the person. somewhere where you can still talk to the person you're with, but you also have something else to focus on during lulls in the conversation.
21. describe your perfect date: i dont think i need to describe it to all of my oh so avid livejournal readers haha. if i date you, you'll know.
22. has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? yup. :)
23. ever been kissed under fireworks? no, but id like to be.
24. have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time? uhm, not sex exactly.
25. do you like president bush? no.
26. have you ever bungee jumped? no and unless im seriously drunk or drugged you wont see me doing it either.
27. have you ever white- water rafted? yes, at boot camp.
28. have you ever crashed a car? yes, but i didnt total it.
29. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you? ohhhh yeah haha.
30. have you met a real redneck? yup i have family in Duck, West Virginia. What do you think?
31. are you interested in anyone right now? yup. ("Steven, can you beleive i like someone named Giuseppe...i thought youd get a laugh outta that" hahaha).
32. what song are you listening to right now? Holdin You- Gretchen Wilson
33. what is your current favorite song? One Year, Six Months and Back Home by Yellowcard
34. what was the last movie you watched? oh man, do i have to answer? me and amber took it back, and watched a spice girls concert. hahahaha. shut up! you know you liked the spice girls!
35. who was the last person you said you loved? my mommy.
36. where was the last place you went besides your house? Down the street from my house, by Saint Filomena church, to grab a beer with the guys lol
37. have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property? i once keyed someones car? i glued my teacher to her chair? do those count?
38. have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? ohh yes.in their "special place" also
39. have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? in elementary school when i was in chorus
40. whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? smile
41. what really turns you on? lots of things, haha.
42. what do you usually order from starbucks? i dont go to starbucks. i like caribou. white chocolate mocha espresso baby
43. what is your biggest mistake? from which week?
44. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? yes.
45. say something totally random about you: i want to write a novel..
46. do you have an i-pod? no i have a dell dj that holds 9,000+ songs. :).
47. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? psh, no
48. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? well not now cuz i dont have cable, but yeah sometimes when im in the right move. <3 disney channel movies. ESPECIALLY zenon and motocrossed. fuck yeah..
49. do you have braces? no
50. are you comfortable with your height? yeah. i think if i was a few inches taller it would be too tall. i dont want to tower over boys. they dont like that.
52. do you speak any other languages besides English? uhm, i took spanish for years. but not fluent haha. im currently learning italian. i find it essential to the whole living in italy thing.
53. have you ever been to a tanning salon? no.
54. what magazines do you read? AP, cosmo girl, teen people, that kinda shit..
55. do you think these surveys are stupid? pretty much, but they give me something to do. you learn about people.
56. do you have a hidden talent? its not really hidden but im REALLY GOOD at pissing off my parents. .
57. have you gone further than kissing? more then kissing? uhm, im a virgin. duh. ;) (PSH yeah maybe in the 8th grade haha)
58. have you ever ridden in a limo? yup. to a concert.
59. has anyone you were really close with passed away? not really close to, but people i would call friends. and of course, my teacher who i dearly loved..
60. do you watch mtv? yes, well i used to when i watched TV
61. whats something that really annoys you? .there are lots of somethings, dinosaurs, when guys are too aggresive and just plain pushy, when people are around me and they are tlaking in another language and they laugh and look at you and youre not sure if they are talking about you, etc.
62. whats something you really like? being around friends, music, cigarettes, drinking, etc.
63. do you like michael Jackson? i dont like his music. or the accusations.
64. can you dance? i guess.
65. have you ever surfed? nope..id probably fail just as badly as i did at skateboarding..
66. do you know how to pump gas? yes. haha, okay?
67. do you drive? i used to dammit, but my mom has to switch the car to italian insurance so i can drive here.
68. whats the latest you have ever stayed up? 2 days.
69. have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? yes..
70. were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? no.
71. have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? uhm, like holli said, isnt that the point of a DARE? duh. i think anyone who has been dared to do something and done it has done something they didnt want to do. heres a tip: if you put alcohol into your system you dont care until later.
72. did you do it? yup
73. do you actually read these when other people fill them out? if its someone i care about this m uch, yes.and if youve read it, congrats on making it to the bottom.