its a disgustingly humid and warm sunday. ><
Thank you to those lovelies who tagged yesterday. (: i was very surprised when i scrolled down my LJ and saw WOW so many comments! :D first time i recieved so many at one time. xie xie ni men, my saturday ended on a very sleepy note yesterday. i was trying to send a message in chinese when i kept typing
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Comments 4
(i'm sure you dont get what i'm saying but HARHARHARHAR thats the whole point)
if i successfully survive this week i can officially call myself a shenxian.
i am missing langarts tomorrow ): WHY NOT BIO/IH. URGH.
integration is the reverse of differentiation! i like differentiation! i hope my feelings for integration wont be reversed ><
TOMORROW. i'd look like a bald penguin with only a tuft of hair for fringe.
we survived hfos. (: shenxian ni hao.
anyway thanks for yr tag felicia dear. and yes that woman had been hell irritating. it's so pissing. urgh. tmr's going to be a horrible day. with MAKEUP! and costumes and heavily geled hair. omg. how am i suppose to go home aft that. wtf. shitshitshit.
I HATE MATH. my math totally sucks. and obviously i'm not a genius. 3 tests plus syf intensive! WATCH ME DIE. i dread this wk.
i love math! (: JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU three tests can kill anybody, BUT I WONT LET YOU DIE!!! <3
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