Lj quiz of the century.

Aug 11, 2006 00:23

Part 1 :: What Do You Look Like?

Natural Hair Color: brown...has a reddish ting to it
Hair Style: usually up randomly with bobby pins
Hair Length: 2 inches from my nipple =D how's that for measuring =P
Is It Dyed Now?: oui.
What Color?: haha...umm blonde and blue (blue faded mostly to green)
Skin Color: fair skinned.
Eye Color: Greenish-blueish-gray (in certain lights purple too)

Part 2 :: Favorites

Color: silver, ebony, orange and blue
Number: 5, 11, 13
Store: haha umm does Ebay count? if not then, The great canadian superstore (yay to food!)
Book: Valley of the Dolls, Lolita and Battle Royale
Magazine: Cosmo =D (yay to sex advice and stories!)
TV Show: N/A
Movie: Battle Royale, American History X, Valley of the Dolls, Fight Club
Season: Autumn
Planet: Neptune
Country: Japan
City: Montreal
State: Ohio
Video Game: Final Fantasy 8 or FFX-2
Sport: Aerials, white-water kayaking
Athlete: n/a

Part 3 :: Odd Questions

Do You Secretly Fantasize About George W. Bush?:
damnit, you know my secret...now what am I supposed to fantasize about?!

Do you chew on your homework?:
I would hope not. Although, food projects are technically homework and chewable =D

Do you memorize random facts?:
actually yes, I need to find someway to be cooler then Aaron and his squirrel facts =P

Do you stalk anyone?:
psshh no...I don't stalk anyone at all... *cough* Hancock

Does anyone stalk you?:
I would certainly hope not...that would be creepy =D...although I do suspect some people of it.

How many pairs of underwear/boxers do you have?:
umm...we'll ignore this question since I don't wear underwear =P...haha nah I have too many...I basically have a whole drawer dedicated to thongs and 3 pairs of panties. I like underwear shopping what can I say?

Do you eat a lot?:
depends on what we're talking about...in general, not really.

Do you get excited about cameras?:
when they're in my hands and not super fucking pimped out (those ones scare me since I'm afraid of breaking them -_-")

Are you a virgin?:
what kind of question is this? the answer to it is for sure as hell No.

Do you bite yourself?:
umm...next question please. (p.s. ignore the bite marks on my arms...I was not hungry)

Cut yourself?:
not anymore.

Do you get cold sores often?:
o godd no...if I did I'd cry...and die.

Do you have a twitching problem?:
no, not usually...but when I'm pissed I can...either that or pace, or dig my nails into things)

How many hours of sleep do you get at night?:
2-4..it sucks to be an insomniac

Does your mouse for your computer light up?:
oui OUI!!!!!!!! it's all pretty and wireless and red-lightful =D

What kind of computer do you have?:
Dell, Inspiron 9400

Are you a packrat?:
umm...see my room and see the clutter, you can figure it out.

Are you shy around people?:
to be truthful, yes. I guess I'm nervous about what people think of what I say and do...well people I don't know, or people I am friends with...people I hate I'm less inclined to be shy around.
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