another meme

Dec 11, 2008 23:49

Seen this all over the place, and it seemed more interesting than most, and I'm bored so yeah.

Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people right now.

1. I'm concerned that you don't want to get well. Sometimes your behaviour suggests to me that there is part of you that wants to be the victim, wants to be messed up and have the sympathy from those around you, and it frustrates me.

2. I don't know whether it's my paranoia but I think you lie to me on a regular basis, and you don't need to.

3. At one point we were so close, and I thought we had so much in common, and I don't know what happened but now I just have no idea where I stand with you. I want to be proper friends with you again.

4. Grow the fuck up you annoying bitch. You are 23 years old and you act like you're 8. I only hang out with you because you're a friend of a friend and I really cannot stand you because you are such a self centered immature cow.

5. I'm too scared to ask if you're bisexual, because I fancy you!

6. I don't love you anymore

7. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I wish you could see it in yourself. I will always love you (not in a gay way)

8. Did you really mean what you said about me? You have no idea exactly how much what you did fucked me up, and I'm still suffering over it now. I will never forgive you for what you did to me.

9. I would totally shag you given the chance.

10. Should I have made a move on you?

Nine things about me

1. I play poker for money, both online and with other people

2. I'm studying to be an occupational therapist

3. I'm incredibly shy, and often hide behind idiocy and over confidence

4. I have generalised anxiety disorder and depression

5. I'm terminally lazy, and find it hard to motivate myself to do anything.

6. Totally TMI but it is one of my ambitions to fuck a guy with a strap-on (I'm not sure ambition is the right word though...)

7. I'm an incredibly rare person, my mum was on the contraceptive pill when she got pregnant with me, and I have all sorts of anatomical and physiological idiosyncracies that are too many and varied to list here but definitely make me unique!

8. I judge other people on LJ on whether they comment on fics I don't like/ think are badly written/badly characterised, and on whether they comment on my fics.

9. If I had to choose between giving up TV or books I would give up TV, I'm never not reading something, or twothings, or threethings.... (atm it's my booky wook - Russel Brand, Crime and Punishment -Doystoyevsky, and Paperweight - Stephen Fry)

Eight ways to win my heart

1. Be genuine, I can't abide people being false. I will like you for who you are, not who you're pretending to be.

2. Be passionate, have the courage of your convictions about your opinions, likes and dislikes.

3. Be intelligent - Cleverness turns me on so very much

4.Be liberal - In the UK there isn't that much between the two political sides, our "right wing" isn't all that right wing, whereas in America, the political sides are divided by issues such as gay marriage and abortion, I suppose in American terms even the tories are pretty liberal. However, I do not think I could ever be friends with a republican, politics and morality is so tightly bound in American politi, I truely do see Republicans or proper right wing people as anathema, and I could never be friends with anyone who thought that way.

5. Enjoy a wide range of food, both cooking and eating ,and enjoy going to restuarants.

6. Be chilled out

7. Give me my space and my time to do the things I want to do

8. Appreciate me

Seven things that cross my mind alot

1. Sex
2. My Writing
3. General panic
4. Random song lyrics
5. Ideas for new stories
6. Gene Hunt (not so much cross my mind as break his chains and run rampant around my brain humping everything that moves and some things that don't and bellowing about wanting sam,whisky and fags not necessarily in that order)
7. Guilt

Six thing I do before I go to sleep

1. Brush my teeth
2. Set my alarm clock
3. Feed the cat
4. Take my socks off
5. Find my teddy
6. Take off my glasses

Five people who mean a lot to me at the moment

1. Varuni
2. terraswrath 
3. filthgoblin 
4. My mum
5. Viv

Four things I'm wearing atm

1. Really old Gray and yellow Nirvana smiley face hoodie
2. Foo Fighters t-shirt
3. Purple Slippers
4. Black baggy trousers

Three songs that I listen to often

1. Stranger things have happened - Foo Fighters
2. Spit it out - IAMX
3. Burn - NIN

Two things I want to do before I die

1. Have a book published
2. Travel the world

One confession

1. When my GAD gets really bad I can't answer the phone, interact online and sometimes I can't leave the house. I generally lie to people about why I'm absent because I'm completely embarrassed about it.

you must listen to me, meme

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