is what live journal tells me that it's been since i posted last in this journal. i've been through a lot since then, with the biggest thing being that i've moved to illinois to go back to school to get a degree aviation electronics and my airframe and powerplant license so that i can work on airplanes in the civilian world. speaking of civilian world, i am officially out of the military as of the end of this past september. i miss it, but at the same time it's nice to know that i can do whatever i want with all of my weekends. though, i'll probably reenlist eventually. but not until the new year at the earliest.
ok, so onto bigger and better things. i'm going to do my damnedest to keep this up to date from here on in. let's see if that actually happens. a lot of this is going to be set to friends only, so you're gonna hafta add me (yes, that means getting an LJ account if you don't have one) because i can promise that i will be talking about lots of personal stuff... guys, sex... you know, the usual.
i will, however, be avoiding using their real names, just in case :)
anyways, that's it for now. :)
p.s. i need to update the look and icons of my journal. it's been awhile. anyone have any suggestions?