Big Bang Art!
Title: Within a Sea of Red - by Inane_Rational
Summary: Arthur's a mobster, Merlin's a high class prostitute. Infatuation ensues. (Author Summary to follow ASAP)
Art Warnings: threats with guns.
Rating: R
AN: This story was excellent to draw for, Merlin's world is very enclosed and the way the story broadens that world is wonderful, against a backdrop that I love. Mobsters! Feuds! Sex! Violence! I had fun putting these together and I'm sad that I never got the chance to draw any more because there are quite a few scenes I wanted to give a go on.
Aaaaand from the story itself:
“The gun,” Pendragon snarls.
It’s a moment of irrational stupidity that’s caused something like this to happen. The gun is against the rules, but Merlin knows better than to act on that. It isn’t his place. The worst part about this situation is that Merlin knows it has nothing to do with Pendragon breaking the Avalon’s guidelines. He'd hidden it as soon as he had been able to when Pendragon first used the bathroom. He'd picked up his clothes to fold them. The gun invading his home had been right in his hands, and he'd had the sudden, undeniable urge to tuck it out of reach.
There had been no thought to it. Merlin thinks his mind may have been entirely blank, but his hands had known what they were doing.
He tries now to state the rule again, this time looking directly at Pendragon, expecting to see his client’s hand outstretched to him, his eyes raging like a bull. Somehow, it’s more frightening to find Pendragon has his back to him, immobile as a statue. Merlin is afraid that Pendragon will turn around and show him the true meaning of his Syndicate entitlement.
“The gun,” Pendragon repeats, enunciating each sound.
Merlin puts down the glass and heads towards the bed, reaching beneath the mattress near the headboard to retrieve the gun. Pendragon’s already behind him to take it from his hands, looming threateningly in his space.
“I think you should leave.” Merlin usually does have the right to kick a client out if they get out of hand by the Avalon’s standards, but they both know that his suggestion has no meaning with a Pendragon.
“Are you going to spout about rules again?” Pendragon laughs, though somewhere in his throat it almost turns into a growl.
With nothing better to say Merlin responds with a clipped, “Yes.”