Title: New Premises
Fandom: SVU
Rating: G
Characters: Cragen, Munch, Fin (and Olivia is there)
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: Written for the 'tape' challenge at
lawandorder100. Also I cannot for the life of me work out which episode they moved to their new squad room. My google-fu has failed :(
“If I can just say a few words,” Cragen said to his squad as the last stragglers entered the room. A collective groan echoed through the hallway.
“A few words?” someone shouted sceptically from the back of the room.
“I heard that Bradley,” Cragen retorted. “As I was saying,”
“Really Captain?” Fin asked.
“I think the natives are getting restless,” Munch added, “Best just let them in.”
“Alright” he agreed, taking the scissors from Olivia. Carefully cutting through the crime scene tape that was stretched across the doorway Cragen announced, “I now declare the new Manhattan SVU squad room open!”