(no subject)

Sep 07, 2009 09:55


What you prefer to be called: Mandy

Gender pronouns you prefer (he/she/etc.): She

Personal LJ (if any): tyriangalley

Are you over 16?: Yes

Are there any contact methods (IM, e-mail, etc.) you'd like listed for yourself in the Player Contact info post? e-mail: drunkencynic at gmail dot com, AIM: Pylades24601

Do you have a couple good samples of your writing already posted online that you'd like to share? (optional): No


Canon and canon type (TV, novel, etc.): Across the Universe, movie

Name: Maxwell Carrigan (Max)

Age: 19

Backstory (include the events of canon): Max is the oldest in a reasonably wealthy family, who until about three months ago attended Princeton. Times being what they were, he never attended classes all that much, and when he was home on holidays his visits would invariably end in arguments. He was tired of his parents, his uncle, and his professors telling him to make something of himself. He wanted to figure life out for himself, to be his own person and stay out of the military. One day shortly before Thanksgiving, Max was rescued from some angry fratboys by a visiting sailor, Jude. They became fast friends and Max dragged him home for a real American Thanksgiving. This, predictably, ended up in an argument with Max, his father and Uncle Teddy, and Max and Jude went out to blow off some steam. During the ensuing game of bowling, they decided to drive to New York. There, they would find themselves and start a new life in the Village, completely free of any nosy and aggravating parents. They moved in with Sadie and her bandmates, found jobs, and generally just hung out in the Village. At this point Max and Jude have been living in New York for about three months.

Description of personality: He's got a twisted sense of humor, first and foremost. He cares quite a lot about his friends and family, especially those he gets along well with. He's not afraid to argue if he has to, if he cares deeply about a subject he will make his opinions known. Max is definitely a free spirit, he's looking to enjoy life and maybe make something of it, if he finds something he loves to do. He doesn't care what people think about him at all, he's been known to wander around the apartment in Sadie's clothes. Basically, he's independent stubborn, argumentative, and generally fun to hang around with.

Any special skills, particularly ones useful in a survival situation? He's good at running! It comes from being chased by angry fratboys.

At what point in their canon does your character land in the city? A few months after he's been in the Village, before Lucy comes to visit.

Just prior to their appearance in the city, is your character alive or dead?: Alive.

What kind of clothing/small items might your character reasonably have on their person when they arrive?: A pair of jeans, probably with around $5 in the pocket, a blue bathrobe and a pair of socks, underwear.

PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHARACTER'S ENTRANCE POST FOR THIS GAME (at least 200 words) -- check the OOC community for the latest weather report for the city:

It had been a good night at Sadie's apartment. So good, in fact, that Max had ended up sprawled across Jude in one of their bedrooms, asleep after a long night of intoxicated ramblings. The first thing he notices as he blinks awake is the notable lack of a comfy Jude-pillow underneath him. Instead, it feels more like a floor. Not the hard wooden floor of his apartment, or even his dorm back at Princeton, but it's definitely concrete. He opens his eyes and blinks muzzily at the surrounding area, trying to figure out where he is. He didn't remember going outside last night, but you never could tell. Thing is, this city didn't look like the Village. It didn't look like anywhere he was familiar with, actually.

"What the hell," he says after a minute, glancing around for a street sign. Great. It conveniently happened to be in a language he couldn't read. Max wrinkles his nose a little and stands, heading over to the sign to inspect it. It looked vaguely Russian. Maybe he'd been kidnapped by Commies! Good way to avoid getting drafted, at least. Or, maybe, he was still hallucinating from the night before. This looked too real to be a hallucination, though. "Okay, what the fuck is going on here," he says to himself, glaring at the street sign. Clearly the thing to do in this situation is wait until someone passes by, to ask them where they are.

URL to a 100x100 photo of the person you'd like to represent your character's appearance for use on the character listing page: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/92859023/13877066

app, ooc, destinik

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