
Jun 29, 2025 00:42

Frequently Asked Questions
Since I don't have a FAQ, and I don't want to be repeating myself over and over and over again, I decided to slip it in. :D So....lets start, shall we? :)

Is it possible to edit your graphics (whatever it may be) but credit you?
OF COURSE IT'S OKAY TO DO THAT. :0 You can edit whatever you like, whenever you like, but seriously, you don't have to ask if you can. You can credit me if you like, but credit me for the original and maybe give the link to the original. :)

Can't I just copy the link from your graphic and then post it up wherever I want?
NO. SRSLY. DUN DO THAT. By doing that, you are hotlinking and wasting my bandwidth. Save the graphic by right clicking on it and then clicking SAVE AS. Upload to your own host.

Is it okay if I request a tutorial? Will you do it for me?
It's perfectly okay to request a tutorial. I suggest you ask over here so that I could keep order with my community. Will I do it for you? ...There's a possibility that I will not. Not all the time, but if I can't find the .psd of whatever you are requesting, then I'm sorry, but I might not do it for you unless I'll give a shot at it again.

You mentioned crediting. Why and how do I do that?
I mentioned crediting because all my graphics here are made by me. Not you. Me. That's why when you credit, you are doing it because whatever you are crediting belongs to its proper owner. How do you credit, you ask? Simple. Just input this into your resource post or wherever you credit and all will be fine. :)
Or you could just credit silverxdragon.

Can I add you (silverxdragon or silver_ambition)?
But of course. You can add silver_ambition anytime you'd like. I don't mind, this is for everyone! But add my personal? If you just want to add more friends to your f-list then no. I will eventually place a friends cut in my personal. If you are going to add my personal and comment on my entries, then go ahead! I don't mind meeting you. :) I will then, of course, comment back on your lj.

I'll be adding more to here later. :) Any questions? Comment on this post. ♥


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