Back in August, I had my annual physical and mentioned I'd been having spotting between periods. The doctor sent me to get an ultrasound, which showed a uterine polyp. It also showed ovarian cysts. I've suspected for years that I have cysts--it's a likely cause/related symptom of irregular periods. Since the treatment is ignore them or go on birth control, and I preferred the cheaper option, I contented myself with telling my doctors that I had irregular periods and left it to them to decide if it was something that required further investigation. None of the doctors were worried about the irregular cycles, but apparently I have the scary kind of cyst (complex hemmorrhagic). So off I went to a gynecologist.
I did some online research, and the general consensus was that it was probably nothing and would go away on its own. The GYN agreed, but she said the polyp should be removed. So in December I had another ultrasound to get a better look at the polyp and make certain the cyst was gone. This was a saline-infused ultrasound and very unpleasant. I very strongly do not recommend it. It revealed that yup, there's a polyp. It also showed the cyst had not changed.
Now the GYN was concerned. It was still probably nothing, but now was a risk. She started talking about surgery. I was less than enthused. She said, since I was not having other problems and the cyst was not growing, it would be okay to monitor it a little longer.
In February, I had a third ultrasound. No change. I talked to my aunt, who is a nurse, and she said that chances are my menstrual cramps are caused by the cyst. I just figured my cramps had gone from non-existent to mild to "I'm not doing anything but sitting bent over, or better yet, lying in a fetal position, until the painkillers kick in" were from my body changing as I age. I'd gotten the impression that women with painful cysts were having pain while not menstruating, so I figured my cramps were unconnected.
The cramps are not a big problem. But the cyst has not changed in 7 months (possibly 8, but I haven't learned the results of last week's ultrasound yet). The lack of growing is good. The lack of shrinking is not good. Most cysts go away in 3-5 months. It may be endometrius, which can't be diagnosed without visual inspection. There might be damage that doesn't show on the ultrasound. It may be nothing, but they won't know until they've removed it.
It will be laproscopic robotic surgery, so small scars and a quick recovery time (also, robot, which is kind of cool). I'm not happy about this. Surgery is scary. (They're also removing the polyp, but they go in through my vagina instead of cutting me open, so I'm less worried.)
Surgery is Wednesday evening. The GYN said to take 2 weeks off of work to recover. My sister-in-law had a similar surgery and said there was very little pain the next day, which is promising. Reading people's stories online, recovery ranges from a day or two (not full recovery, but well enough to get out of bed and do stuff) to still being in pain months later. I'm aiming for the quick recovery.
I'm not too freaked at the moment, and think I'm pretty well prepared as far as knowing what's going to happen. I suspect I'll be fairly miserable Tuesday and Wednesday (Tuesday is the bowel prep and the start of the fast). I wish I was having a morning procedure so at least I wouldn't have to fret all day Wednesday.