Title: Letters - B
Pairing: Ratchet/Wheeljack
Characters: Ratchet, Wheeljack
Rating: PG
'Verse: G1, with a little '07movieverse
Warnings: Slight slash, nothing else really
Summary: 5 short stories per letter. Letter 'B' -- Ratchet&Wheeljack
10 sentences about Ratchet&Wheeljack
Ratchet loved the way his partner's fins would glow pink when he was feeling particularly shy.
To anyone else reading Ratchet's regular injury reports, they would have been confused by the nearly illegible handwriting that covered it, but to Wheeljack, it made perfect sense.
Sometimes, Wheeljack was amused at Ratchet's rather pitiful attempts to invent excuses to stay in the medbay just one click longer.
Wheeljack snickered in amusement as he realised that Ratchet's favourite welder was bent out of shape from the time he laid on it during a particularly active night in the berth.
The fact that their resident medic and engineer were exchanging their usual banter across a certain red Lamborghini's chassis was a good signal that the battle's injuries weren't too serious.
'Are you calling my windscreen fat?' Ratchet growled, as Wheeljack backed away slowly, holding up both servos in self-defence.
'We don't have genders like humans do, Sam, it doesn't affect our choice in mates' explained Wheeljack gently, 'Although if you want to see it that way, then hell yeah, I'd totally go 'gay' for Ratchet.'
What Ratchet liked about being with Wheeljack was that every day was like a blank datapad, waiting to be filled with memorable moments.
Ratchet appreciated the fact that no matter how covered in Energon and coolant after a battle he was, Wheeljack would never hesitate to give him a hug. (It also made for a good excuse to head to the washracks together)
A piercing scream alerted the couple on one of the medbay's recovery berths that they had been discovered, and 'Heh heh, oops?' was the only apology that Wheeljack could offer to the traumatised Datsun.
Letters - C )
A -
Twins/Ratchet - Done!
B -
Ratchet/Wheeljack - Done!
C - Wheeljack/Bluestreak - Up next :)