Title: Carry on This Way Pairing: Kris/Adam Word count: 3700 Rating: NC-17 Summary: “I don’t expect to pick up where we left off,” Kris said. (PWP) Warnings: Angst Disclaimer: Pure imagination. No disrespect intended.
You're amazing. You are such a gorgeous gorgeous writer, omg...
"You’re just you, nothing special, and then you meet someone and you’re put in context." That sentence stopped me dead in my tracks. And then the rest of the paragraph had me head over heels.
You must be a beautiful soul and human being to be able to put words together like this <3
Sorry, I'm trying to leave a coherent comment while swooning over the memory of each paragraph- it's not easy :)
Oh, you! I'm all shuffly and awkward now. But at the same time, I'm beaming like a little kid who just got a gold star from the teacher. Thank you for your generous praise bb. *hugs you*
Comments 17
"You’re just you, nothing special, and then you meet someone and you’re put in context." That sentence stopped me dead in my tracks. And then the rest of the paragraph had me head over heels.
You must be a beautiful soul and human being to be able to put words together like this <3
Sorry, I'm trying to leave a coherent comment while swooning over the memory of each paragraph- it's not easy :)
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