Alex + 2 swords = really scary

Feb 23, 2006 21:23

Summary: Alex looks through her closet for better weapons. Now she has more shiny sharp things to poke people with. Talk about scary. It's long because I'm annoyingly wordy.

Finally, the last of the pink hearts and traces of glitter had been permenantly removed from her office. The atrocious holiday had come and passed, and the horrible reign of Sam, the overlord of pink hearts, has come to an end. Alex was just glad that fortune was on her side this year, and she didn't set off fire alarms as she helped rid the offices of the reminants of Sam's decoration frenzy. Now, it was over.

Until the next festive holiday that is.

The last few days had gone back to the mundane routines of paperwork and lots of sitting about, just waiting for more pieces to fall into place before their plans for Jenova began. Alex busied herself looking into new weaponry prior to the trip to the Shinra Mansion. Day after day, Alex buried herself in pouring over the volumes at the Shinra resource library regarding the subject. If anything, it beats sitting at her desk, glaring at that bottle of vodka with the red ribbon.

Thoughts of that mop of auburn with his unbelievable obsession with all things motorcycle-related should be banned from her mind anyways.

After a somewhat unfruitful search in the archives, Alex set off home to dig through that impossible mess she called a closet. It was a last resort, since upon moving in, she just dumped anything she didn't need (which is 90% of her possessions) in there and hoped she will never need it. But now the day had come. Alex stood before it with a sigh, blowing a strand of her long gray hair into the air as she prayed not to be buried alive under what mountains of crap that would soon fall upon her.

With a gentle click, the door creaked open. Alex was about to congratulate herself on not being killed by her junk when a shadow fell over her and everything came crashing down. It took her half a minute to realize that she now sat sprawled upon the floor, body half buried in a myrid of things from her mercenary days. She frowned at the mess her packrat nature had produced. The thought of all that thriftiness amounting to this mess had obviously never crossed her mind.

As she began chucking objects into piles: 'keep', 'discard' and 'what the hell were you thinking when you kept this?', her eyes fell on a pair of cerulean blue lying not far away. Today was her lucky day. She carefully walked over to it, slipping ever so gracefully on a pair of old training gloves before grabbing the objects. Eyeing them with affection a mother would have for its child, Alex pulled one blade from its blue sheath, watching as the metallic surface glimmer of joy at seeing its master. Her eyes trailed over the beautiful inscriptions upon the blade written in the ancient language of her Order, muttering the words quietly to herself, “What does not destroy me, makes me stronger.”

Grasping the matching sapphire hilts of the two blades, she drew them simulataneously and marveled at the feel of them within her grasp. Memories came flooding back of her years spent with them, training alongside her daggers -- a tiny flurry of gray hair dancing amongst enemies with the twin deadly blades. Why had she discarded them for all these years?

Oh... right. HIM.

Her eyes narrowed at the thought of Phelios. It was in fact Phelios who had trained alongside with her in the usage of double blades throughout their childhood, as he so kindly reminded her from time to time. It was in fact Phelios who quite frequently won in their spars when they trained with their dual blades. The day that Alex had won, one of her daggers had embedded itself into Phelios' upper right arm. Needless to say, she had favored her daggers ever since.

Alexandria smiled as began practicing movements from long ago with the twins, feeling the carvings of the phoenix and dragon on each of the hilts rub against her palms. It was going to take a few days to get back into the intricacies she once knew, but that wasn't a problem. After a few satisfying slashes into the air, Alex drew them back into their sheaths and caressed the blades gently. It was going to be nice to put them into use again. Now, all she had to do was clean up the mess.

Or... she could always contact Tseng first. After all, he did tell her to contact him as soon as she found her weapon of choice. It was her duty as a Turk. She nodded to herself, ignoring the nagging voice in her brain to clean up the spillage from her closet as she headed off to grab her cell phone, swinging the sheathed blades in practice as she went.

Weapons found, boss. Could I begin training on my own? Or must I bring them in for your inspection like we're still in grade school?
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