Title: Never Gave Up
Rating: PG- for kissing~
Pairings: Kanou/Mihashi
Comments: I apologize for the serious lack of editting XD I'm on about 3-4 hours of sleep, so I wrote this while being slightly delusional.
This is based on Seki-san's art, which you all should look at, right
HERE~ Mihashi was set on leaving. He knew that fact for sure, even though he was sure that Kanou wasn’t going to approve. Snow fell down on Mihoshi Academy but also the baseball field, slowly blanketing it in white calm. Mihashi was starting out to the field, listening to the silence that only snow brings, and thinking about what he was going to do in the spring. He couldn’t do this to the team anymore, and he wouldn’t. It wasn’t baseball anymore.
The only person he hadn’t told was Kanou. He couldn’t believe that the pitcher, since he was so much better than him, would always stand up for him, ever since their first year. It was horrible of Mihashi to continue to pitch, but he honestly loved it, and that was preventing him to get off the mound. He was a pitcher, he was supposed to do that, but it felt like he was doing wrong.
Mihashi had to leave…it was his only choice…
Mihashi turned around to see the person who was on his mind, the one person who believed he was a very good pitcher. Kanou was standing behind him with a very serious look on his face.
“Is it true that you’re not going to our high school?”
Mihashi looked at the other, then looked down at the snow covered ground. He didn’t want to answer. The light haired brunet had tried to tell him, but he clamed up when it was mentioned each time. Mihashi just figured that eventually, someone would tell Kanou, and it wouldn’t matter. Looking back up to the fellow pitcher, Mihashi said it quickly.
Kanou, even though he kept a straight face, was surprised and hurt at the same time. Mihashi was going to be so lonely, as he didn’t know anyone at this new school. More over, who was he going to play baseball with? Ever since their first year (when Mihashi smiled so easily) they played together, walked home from school…played catch…
“You’ll continue to play baseball in Saitama, right?”
Mihashi just stared at the other. How could a great pitcher like Kanou…ask him that? It wasn’t like he made baseball fun, or anything. It was a horrible time. How could Kanou, someone that everyone liked so much better, want him to continue with baseball?
He took so much away from the pitcher...
I’m so sorry…Shuu-chan.
“Don’t quit…”
Kanou noticed the other looked down and he recklessly continued.
“Join the baseball club there, no matter what, okay? What you’ve been doing isn’t really what it’s like! You shouldn’t quit now!”
Shoulders were shaking, throat was tight…it was a feeling Mihashi was way too familiar with and shouldn’t have to be. Warm tears fell down cold cheeks, and the teenager put his arm up to cover his face and sob. He had to quit, he didn’t have any reason playing baseball. Mihashi honestly believed he ruined the sport for everyone, that how he was playing screwed it up and the reason why it wasn’t what it was supposed to be like. Mihashi was the reason it wasn’t like it was supposed to be, not the others. Kanou was wrong…he had to quit, so he didn’t mess up anyone else’s enjoyment of baseball.
However, what he didn’t expect, and certainly not from Kanou, the person he had hurt the most in the whole ordeal, was a hug. Arms wrapped around him in a warm embrace against the cold, and Mihashi was shock. Eyes wide with shock, he wanted to believe that it wasn’t true…why was Kanou hugging him?
“Please Ren…I…”
“I love you…”
Mihashi was holding onto the black shirt of the Mihoshi Academy’s uniform, his hand unclenching from the shirt slightly. With eyes closed and face flushed, Mihashi shyly touched lips with Kanou, who leaned in first. They didn’t know what to say now that they saw each other. It was after the practice game and while there whole team went back to change, they lingered to speak about things. Words turned to hugs and hugs turned to kisses.
The pitchers were in there little hiding spot from a year earlier, discovering that they had a hard time fitting back here now.
What did Kanou see in him, why after all this time, did his friend still love him? Mihashi never understood it…and probably never would. It was this love though, the brunet knew, that would save him from all the feelings that he had about himself. The love of his friends, the love of his team…his love for baseball…
But most of all…
“I…I love you too…”
His love for a dear friend who never gave up.
Kay, naptime.