Title: Generally Imperfect Fandom: Danny Phantom Word Count: 689 Rating: PG Summary: You see, I need to draw... A/N: Dark, unhappy Danny on the verge of mental breakdown. My muse is an angsty one.
I'm glad you can! I had my doubts that anyone would be able to see the same thing in Danny as I did; it was kinda dark for how the show goes. But seriously, Danny's so cheery and so usually well-adjusted, he's got to have some kind of coping mechanism.
Oh nice. I like to sketch with color pencils for a similar reason--you can't erase the lines without it smudging and its generally more trouble than its worth. (im not hard core enough to use pens though) Plus you get to see how circles and lines come together to make a image...very nice insight into the artist's mind.
When it all comes down to it, an artist sees how our bodies and the world around us is put together, joint by joint. They're highly perceptive and sometimes that is very draining. I think you captured that perfectly. Art can be very personal, very revealing, and Danny's not up for revelations right now.
I heart Danny. Makes me want to go watch right now! Dark Danny is fantastic--wonderful job. :D
Thanks! The series is a lot like PR; its all happy and wee and no consequences, cuz its a kid's show. So of course, I feel the same need I do in PR, lol.
I love this. It's interesting, and very original. And who doesn't like dark!Danny? Plus, you bring up an interesting point. Penned drawings are the closest thing to reality.
I myself don't like to draw with pens, unless I don't have a mechanical pencil. But I use pens to ink in the picture, so if I do make a mistake, and don't catch it, it's permanent.
Anyways, awesome job! You portray him well, and it doesn't seem forced.
It really doesn't seem forced? Good. I actually had to stop and write this fic because I was trying to finish a dp/gw cross, but it came out forced. I had to do something to shut my muse up so I could sleep, and this came out. It's nice to know I succeeded. I'm also glad you think Danny's in character; I was a bit worried people wouldn't see what I do.
Wow, I never really commented on your writing before, but I really liked this. Maybe it was just the stark contrast to the cheeriness of the show (one of the things that turned me off about it in the first place), or its sense of urgency, the feeling that Danny really does need to do this. This was just... damn good. Very well-written.
One does have to wonder what turning into a half-ghost would do a person's psyche and sense of the world around themselves.
But that's what I do, or hadn't you noticed? I take cheery, campy kid's shows and turn them into really awesome fanfic, usually dark or emotional. I like kids and all, but seriously. Even 2D characters should have depth.
And trust me, this one does. Kid's half dead every day of his life; that's got to mess with him.
Comments 11
I can totally see Danny doing this too.
Thanks for the comment.
When it all comes down to it, an artist sees how our bodies and the world around us is put together, joint by joint. They're highly perceptive and sometimes that is very draining. I think you captured that perfectly. Art can be very personal, very revealing, and Danny's not up for revelations right now.
I heart Danny. Makes me want to go watch right now! Dark Danny is fantastic--wonderful job. :D
I'm glad you liked it, kk.
I myself don't like to draw with pens, unless I don't have a mechanical pencil. But I use pens to ink in the picture, so if I do make a mistake, and don't catch it, it's permanent.
Anyways, awesome job! You portray him well, and it doesn't seem forced.
Thanks for the wonderful, insightful comments!
One does have to wonder what turning into a half-ghost would do a person's psyche and sense of the world around themselves.
But that's what I do, or hadn't you noticed? I take cheery, campy kid's shows and turn them into really awesome fanfic, usually dark or emotional. I like kids and all, but seriously. Even 2D characters should have depth.
And trust me, this one does. Kid's half dead every day of his life; that's got to mess with him.
I guess I just never paid enough attention.
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