Coughs, colds, voice loss, what else.. ughh..
What's wrong with my body! keke
School's been hellish as usual (kidding xP ).
Chemistry sucks. I hate chem i hate chem i hate chem!!
I'm totally stressed out. xD
*poofs* FG time..
Donghae is so H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E
SUJU (no KIBUM again! -_- )
I'm too lazy to upload the other photos..
I just want to post these stalker pics of Hae..
Omo, just look at those arms! *dies*
His hair's getting long again..
Look, he's texting someone.. is it Hyuk?
Small pics -_- ..
Kekeke i see HaeChul/HaeHee.. LALALA
The last photo is LOVE haha
To end this entry..
Here's the lovely ChaeRin/CL
I lobb joo CL!