All right, good-ish news!
This is just me encouraging myself to keep writing. It's so not helping me get to bed. (LOL)
First off, I survived my concert with only a few little oopsies and didn’t melt to death. Apparently, the air conditioning couldn’t keep up with the heat and the crowd. (ME THINKS THE CHURCH NEEDS A NEW HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM, BUT HEY - THEY DIDN’T ASK ME.) So this means that one goal can be checked off!
Still gotta look at those pesky short term goals though. I am pleased to say that I’ve added almost a thousand more words to Ch. 2 of Handcuffs, which may seem like a lot for PWP, but the second chapter is complicated. I figure if I don’t go over 4,000 words, then the chapter is still the right size. In the 1573 words I do have, I’ve finally gotten the guys into bed and ready for the good stuff. (YAY!) I’m playing with making three chapters instead of two by splitting what is currently the second chapter, but I see no logical cut-off; so an end-heavy story, it shall be. I’m really hoping to have this ready as my first week of July post.
Speaking of my crazy - but attainable (POSITIVE THINKING, MEG!) - goal, I’m really proud of myself for completing another piece. All right, so it’s more LOTR crack, but it is something. It means that I’ve now got two and a half-ish pieces done. (HAPPY DANCE!) Now back to work, slave!
Happy reading ‘n’ writing, y’all!
Goals update:
Major Long Term Goal:
♩ Have one piece written and posted every Friday for the month of July, with a total of 5 weeks/stories/postings.
♫ Progress - 2 stories out of 5. (2/5)
Short Term (the coming week) Goals:
♪ Watch some Torchwood to recapture my Janto muse.
♪ Finish Chapter 2 (and the whole story) of Handcuffs.
Immediate Goal:
♬ Survive my performance tomorrow, meaning sing in-tune and don’t freak out on my duet - this includes not running from the auditorium or fainting. (LOL!)