TV meme; or, Now I'm commenting on my TV habits. At 3am. Help me.

Jul 07, 2010 03:20

Okay, not really. But it's after 3a.m. and I'm still wide-awake, so I need something to do and this is it.

01. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
Stargate Atlantis. Firely, but there were only 14 eps (15 if you count the pilot as two separate episodes), so that doesn't count.

02. Name a show you can't miss:
Well, it was Supernatural, but that's finished for now. And new Doctor Who, but that's finished until Christmas. Actually ... all the shows I currently watch are finished for the season. I feel like somebody's trying to tell me something ...

03. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to watch a show:
Oh, wow, have you met me? Look, I tried ('try' being the operative word, there) to watch Heroes because I'd just seen the new Star Trek and I had a thing for Zachary Quinto. I watched The Princess Diaries 2 (again) because I'd seen the new Star Trek and had a thing for Chris Pine. Not to mention watching a really cheesy, almost-B-movie-like werewolf movie (Cursed, in case you were wondering) after seeing Zombieland because I found Jesse Eisenberg inexplicably attractive. And then, a little while after that, I actually recorded Pathology because Milo Ventimiglia was in it (he was in Cursed, too). Admittedly I was a little drunk (I've no head for wine, let me tell you) and there's this inordinately hot sex scene in the middle of, like, a morgue or whatever, but still. I even watched the My Bloody Valentine remake because it had Jensen Ackles in it (and, in the end, it was quite good, for a horror movie. And there was a twist. And, well, Jensen Ackles. Does there need to be another reason?), and I almost want to watch House of Wax because Jared Padalecki's in it, but I think that would be going a step too far. So what I'm basically saying is: yes. I will definitely watched a show (and movies, even) because of certain actors.

04. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Hmm. I don't think there is one, actually. Huh. I thought this answer would be twice as long as the last one. Just goes to show, doesn't it?

05. Name a show you can and do quote from:
Doctor Who. Supernatural. SGA, occasionally. Can't think of any now, though, which is typical.

06. Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:
According to my sister, I watch a lot of TV that no one else we know does. By which I think she means, I don't watch any soaps, or reality TV, or sensationalist documentaries, or angsty, emo dramas about teenagers with bad communications skills and/or more money than sense. I just have no interest in those kinds of things - if I wanted to watch them, I'd take a look at real life (although, of course, real life wouldn't be nearly as dramatic).

07. Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:
Weirdly enough, only one of the shows I watch has a theme tune with words that you can actually sing along to (Psych, and it's a pretty good one). Oh, and the Mighty Boosh, I almost forgot that one. I have been known to hum the Doctor Who theme, and Supernatural doesn't actually have one, so.

08. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
If you want drama, action, horror, and pretty men getting pinned to walls and beaten to a pulp a lot, then I'd suggest Supernatural. If you want eccentric, completely unlikely, slightly campy sci-fi, I'd go with Doctor Who. If you want a silly, sometimes heartwarming, mostly hilarious police procedural, go with Psych. For another police procedural, either Criminal Minds (very serious, often heartbreaking), or NCIS (strangely charming and likeable). Overall, I'd probably recommend Firefly first, because it's the first and only series that everybody likes, but you can take your pick. I've got loads more where they came from.

09. Name a TV series you own on DVD:
The only one where I own the complete series is Firefly. The rest I'm still building up on. With Psych I've been thwarted by the fact that they don't yet sell seasons 2, 3 and 4 in the UK. What's with that?

10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops in television:
Um. Well, the only thing I was ever really surprised about was learning James Roday (from Psych) was one of the screenwriters or whatever for this other really bad werewolf movie (there are so many to choose from). Also, there was some shock (and not a little disbelief) when I learnt that Sean Murray (from NCIS) was Thackery Binx in Hocus Pocus (Yeah. I know).

11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series?
From Firefly, it'd probably be 'Jaynestown'. From SGA, Before I Sleep (S1), Aurora (S2), the majority of S3, Adrift, Doppelganger and Harmony (S4, and The Prodigal and Vegas (S5). (The trick to predicting my favourite eps in SGA is to find out which ones have the most John/Rodney bickering and shippy moments. I am unrepentant in my OTP :D). From Supernatural ... almost all of season 4, and the Trickster eps (yes, even Mystery Spot). Oh, and Hell House and The Benders (S1), Born Under a Bad Sign (S2), and quite a lot of S5. From Psych, Weekend Warriors, From the Earth to the Starbucks, Cloudy...Chance of Murder (S1), Lights, Camera...Homicidio, Dis-Lodged, Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion (S2), Gus Walks Into a Bank, Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing (S3), and Bollywood Homicide, High Top Fade Out, Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark (S4). (Psych has the best ep names of any series I've seen :D). Most of the new Doctor Who (I have yet to see much of old Doctor Who, and even old-new Doctor Who. It's so prolific that I'm a bit nervous, actually).

12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch but you just haven’t gotten around to yet:
Like I said above, old Doctor Who, and old-new Doctor Who (and if you can follow that, you're a better fan than I am :D). And Farscape; I checked out the first half of the pilot and then never got around to watching the rest. Same goes for Chuck, except I've watched more than one ep of that.

13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
CSI. It might have got better in later seasons, but I don't care. The problem I had with CSI was that they tried so hard to make it seem like forensic evidence is the most important factor in the criminal process, and it's not. They kept saying things like 'Evidence is everything' and 'The evidence will catch him/her' and. Look, I am all for forensics, okay, I even considered it as a career, and a small part of me still hasn't given up on that. But forensics (and crime scene investigation) is only a part of a criminal case; there's a person's motive, and their background, and there's some psychology, and there are so many laws with fine print that even with the most convincing evidence in the world, some people still don't get punished for committing a crime. Plus, the CSI teams in the real world don't do any of the actual arresting, as far as I know, so that's a big flaw right there. Anyway, that's why I don't watch it.

14. Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
I don't tend to cry at TV shows. I know, I know, this probably makes me a heartless bitch, but there's a part of me that always knows it's not real, and I can't ignore that part. Saying that, Torchwood: Children of Earth part 4 made me sob like a little girl. You all know why, I'm sure. Oh, and there was the death of Ellen and Jo in Supernatural, God, that made me tear up a little. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

15. What do you eat when you watch TV?
Pretty much anything. I have been known to eat sandwiches, take-away, junk food, health food, no food ... Whatever I feel like snacking on when I'm in front of the TV.

06. How often do you watch TV?
Oh, this is a rhetorical question, I get it ... :D

17. What's the last TV show you watched?
NCIS. There's just something about it ...

18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV?19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Stargate Atlantis, without a doubt. The rest came after.

20. What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Only CSI, for the reason I said above, and I don't watch it anymore, so all is well.

21. What is the weirdest show you enjoyed?
The Mighty Boosh, hands down. I feel like I've been on several pharmaceutical concoctions that aren't even known to man after I've watched it. In the best way, of course.

22. What TV show scared you the most?
For the reasons I don't tend to cry at TV shows, I don't really get scared by them either. I know it's not real, and I don't generally believe in ghosts and suchlike (as in Supernatural), and I'm not averse to seeing other people's blood (it's only mine that's the problem). I get startled, quite often, but never scared.

23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
Either Psych, or The Mighty Boosh. Doctor Who has it's moments, as do most of my other shows, but those are the two I'm most likely to lol at.

24. Do you prefer TV to films?
I like both, for different reasons that I can't be bothered to elaborate on at 3 in the morning.

25. Name 3 TV relationships that you love.
John and Rodney, and Teyla, and Ronon from SGA. Dean and Sam from Supernatural (yes, I know what the fandom thinks about them, and I won't say I never have either, but most of all I love their always there for each other, brotherly bond). Shawn and Gus from Psych. The Doctor and Amy, and Amy and Rory (and the Doctor/Amy/Rory, but that's neither here nor there :D). Peter and Elizabeth from White Collar (which I don't think I've mentioned here, but I do watch it), not to mention Neal and Peter. And Abby and everyone from NCIS, although I really love the entire team dynamic they've got going on. And the team dynamic in Criminal Minds, too. I love Team, apparently :D.

Et voila, now I can go to bed *falls down*

movies, meme, spn, tv, ncis, doctor who, white collar, sga, criminal minds, torchwood, bleary-eyed randomness at 3am, psych

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