Basic update.
Everything is about as good as can be. Randstad said they have some promising jobs for me but need to get my professional ref. check back first. So just basically waiting right now. No word from Home Depot.
No real significant Lili or Ginger drama. Nothing else of any import so on to LARP
Wildlands. I have basically been on Wildlands break for the past 2 weeks. I was tempted to take all of December off also but I have a few ideas bouncing around and want to get some discussion on them going so instead I am back on the boards and seeing if any of my ideas pan out. They always seem good in my head. This is why I post everything and then let other people shoot things down. I am a horrible judge of my own ideas.
FoD. It's been a year now. I really like FoD, the worlds, the system, the whole thing. If I had to pick one gripe it would be the build cap for characters. Right now I am about 1/3 of the way through my character's life. After a year. I have maybe 3-3.5 years left if I make all the games. I understand that the goal here is to keep players from dominating plotlines for ever and ever. I get that it has benifits. I just wish the cap was slightly higher. For me personally a good single character story arch is about 4-5 years. Anything less and there is just things that are not going to get accomplished. I much prefer having a PC retire when his personal story is done rather than the "What do you mean my story is over? I still have X, Y, and Z that are unresolved!" Now... character death is of course different. Perms happen. I am not talking about that.
So here is where I am. I have Merc. Which I wish I never picked up because it is just enough that I HAVE to use it but not something I am ever going to seriously pursue. It just eats one of my DT's every round. Merc is my one solid "I was new to the system and didn't realize how things worked." regret. Now then... I am going to go up to at least Scholarship 8. I want Gift of Tongues dammit. I am also going up to Charisma 4 so I can get a cool Patron. Maybe even a Scion-ship although that is only a slim chance. In general my PC is way anti Scionship. It's evil and corrupts your spirit. It would have to be a very specific spirit for me to sign on that dotted line.
Now here is the question for me. I should have 30 build after march if not sooner. At that point do I take Scholarship 5 (unlock extra language and unlimited in play investigations?) or do I take Charisma 3 and get my Retainer? I am obviously getting both, it is just a question of which comes first.
Retainer Question:
I have two ideas here. What I am likely to do is write up two proposals for plot. Say this is what I am going for. Pick which ever one you want to play with the most.
Retainer #1) Scholarship. There is so much that I need to study that it borders on silly. having a minion that is a dedicated Scholar to help pick up some of the slack would be AWESOME.
Retainer #1) Diplomatic aid. I am not going to be buying up my diplomacy any more. Other stuff that needs doing. So having a fully stated Diplomat to do my leg work for me would again be AWESOME.
The plus to getting either of these first is that I either get to boost Scholarship or Diplomacy and actually start making things happen in a timely fashion.
The plus to Scholarship 5 is that a bonus language would be really damm useful right now and unlimited in play investigations would also be handy.
If it were you would you go Charisma 3 first or Scholarship 5?