Title: Aperture
Pairing: Sakumoto, Ohmiya, Sho/??, Sho/OC
Rating: NC17
Chapter - Word Count: Chapter 3 - 6 070 words
Genre: AU, Angst, Drama, Family, Fluff, Kid, Romance
Summary: "Did you hate me when I didn't fight for you before?" Sho asked before it was too late. The other man paused and then turned to look back at him. The other looked up,
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Comments 26
Man, this part is heart breaking especially when they both confess their true feelings :'( sobssssss
Aiba-shi..... are you the brother of the wife? the neighbor? or the therapist? I seriously have no idea.
and about the mpreg....perhaps? maybe they'll feel complete once they have their own child, but no kids is fine too.
so many things I'm curious about and love this sakumoto plot! can't wait for the other chapters :D
PS. I was listening to Adele's All I Ask and it hit me right in the feels. also perfectly sums this chapter up.
Play the song as you read for maximum tear effect T_T
I know right? Now I'm asking myself why I wrote it, but it has to be done.
Thanks for reading dear. I'll do my best! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
I sort of see Aiba as possibly being some sort of therapist? I'm not getting an old boyfriend vibe from him. I could be completely wrong though. It's just that Sho is still saying that he is married when he's been divorced for quite a long time and giving up Jun for a wife that doesn't exist, so it seems that Sho is a bit disturbed.
You know that I have previously encouraged you to go for mpreg and still feel that you should go that way (purely for selfish reasons) but if you are not comfortable with that then don't (but I hope that you still can - see selfish thoughts strike again).
Wow, that's an interesting assumption... Don't worry, things will be revealed in due time... (perhaps Chapter 5)
I don't have problems with Mpreg honestly... I just don't know whether I can execute it... But I'll try. Either ways, I'll do my best!
Thanks for reading dear. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Hahaha~~~ I'm honestly persuaded now... like seriously~~~ *thumbs up*
Thanks for reading dear. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Well, mpreg or not goes with the story... XD
Thanks for reading dear. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Aiba, maybe Sho's close friend or wife's relative!?
Probably Jun is pregnant - he's been a sleepyhead before they went for a trip. if ever Jun is pregnant, i think he wont use it to let Sho stay with him.
Happy New Year!
Mah ne, you're quite close...
Well, that could be arrange. hahahaha~~~
Thanks for reading dear. Happy New Year! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
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