Title: Aperture
Pairing: Sakumoto, Ohmiya, Sakumiya (past), Sho/OC (past)
Rating: NC17
Chapter - Word Count: Chapter 10 - 7 109 words
Genre: AU, Angst, Drama, Family, Fluff, Kid, Romance
Summary: "Did you hate me when I didn't fight for you before?" Sho asked before it was too late. The other man paused and then turned to look back at him. The
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Comments 20
Thanks for reading!!! XD
Yaaaay!!!! Congrats for finishing this!!!
Ohhh epilogue??? :O *actually I'm worried hahahahaha*
Anyway, thank you for this :3
Yeap... and don't worry... it's just full fluff... I'll set aside angst for now... Nurufufufu~~~~
thanks for being with me throughout this one!
What a wonderful finale! Eveything about this story is great. The amount of angst, fluff, realistic scenes and *cough* smut are in the right places. This is a complete package! And I know you know that I'm so inlove in sakumoto's characters here.
Jun is too perfect. He fell in love with Sho even though there was no assurance if the latter will love him back. He never demand. He accepts all the negativity about Sho. Sho on the other hand learned things on how to make a decision and how to let go a past, to start new life.
I really love this story. I will miss this so much.
And YES!!!! Thank you for all your hardworks! (together w/ your beta-ers) XD #BAYANIHAN LOL *HUGSSSS* Until next fic? Oh yes. Haha!
Yeah, I do like ShoJun's characters here...
Thank you too for your support~~~
Thank you for being here all throughout the story... :3
I love how slow Sho was to realize what Jun was trying to tell him and his overwhelming joy when he finally understood.
And an epilogue will be the cherry on top. Thanks for a wonderful ride over the past three months.
thanks for being with me till the end... XD
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