Spoiler Free!!
So ok, after much ummming and arrring, I finally gave in and decided to read the Hunger Games series - and I now want EVERYONE to read them!! Which is basically what this post aims to do! Believe me, if you read no more words but this - THEY ARE EPICALLY AMAZING - READ THEM NOW!!
This post is spoiler free, and I’ll be writing another, non-spoiler free one, afterwards, with all my analytical thoughts and feelings! So please, if you comment on this post, keep it spoiler free.
Ok then, well, I was putting off reading them because I just thought it was yet another "Twilight" sort of book, had the predictable and irritating "love triangle" and because it was a long trilogy, and once I start something, I tend to want to know what happens and can regret ever picking it up! But then, through Tumblr, I started to see pictures from the upcoming film and started to see people who liked the same things as I do (Downton Abbey, Dr Who, Thor) like it too - LOVE it in fact. So, my curiosity was piqued and, as I was able to get the books quite cheaply from the shops, and had a trip to London coming up (about 2 hours long, each way), I decided to give them a go.
And my oh my! I am SO glad I did! I am not ashamed I was hooked from Chapter 2 of book one!!! Just excuse my fangirling here for a moment, but they are EPIC, AMAZING, OUTSTANDING, BREATHTAKING, ADDICTIVE, ENGROSSING, GRIPPING! WONDERFUL! Just, GAH!!!! I can't really put into words just how wonderful they are. Let's just say that whilst I can get pretty obsessed about things anyway (cough*DowntonAbbey*cough*Thor*cough.) I literally cannot remember the last time I was THIS addicted and moved and just had my life taken over by a book! Not only was I staying up ridiculously late at night and rushing home from work to read more, (all 3 books in a fortnight and I’m a slow reader) I was thinking about them all day too - my mood reflected by their mood. And I re-iterate, that's never happened to me before, not over a book! Yes, they will most likely take over your life for a while, but man, it’s soooooo worth it!
So, ok, fangirling over now, sorry about that, but please, read them, they are AMAZING! You won't be able to understand just how much until you do. But make no mistake, they are no ordinary young adult fantasy story - and believe me, I've read a LOT of those! These books are special, special in a way which is really hard to describe unless you read them, and please do - NOW!!!!
Ok, so I think I should attempt now to put into words why I think they're so good. Well, first off, the plot, though simple, is very gripping. They are basically about a post-apocalyptic America called Panem where 12 districts across the country are ruled by the Capitol. They are the rich and powerful and the other districts are at their bidding. Following a failed rebellion nearly 75 years ago, the Hunger Games were born to punish the districts. A way to force the districts to remain compliant, fearful, and to provide entertainment to the Capitol. The Hunger Games involve one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18, picked at random from each district, fighting to the death in an arena, which is broadcast around the country. Now, for someone like me, who loves Young Adult fantasy, that would be enough to draw me in anyway, but if that sounds rather brutal to you, it is, but don't let that put you off. The writer has such a wonderful way of writing it all, it works very, very well, but more on that later.
This plot sets the stage for a wonderful possible future, which does feel like it could happen and is described so well, it feels real. The first book is effectively in two halves - the preparation for the games, and the games themselves. Whether we see the games ever finish, well, you’ll have to read them and see! But if that split sounds a bit tedious, I can wholeheartedly assure you, it isn’t. In fact, the writer puts so many twists and spins in, so many clever cliffhangers, that you really cannot stop reading! For me, one thing I loved the most was trying to second guess what was happening and what all the characters were up to. It’s not often that a story is complex/intriguing enough for me to be able to do that, but there’re so many elements and clever twists here that you can, and it’s wonderful!
Second then, and equally as important, the characters! The story follows Katniss Everdeen, who volunteers to take her younger sister’s place in the Hunger Games. Now I think Katniss is an amazing character - she’s pragmatic, a survivor, she’s tough and she’s learnt how to hunt and keep her family alive since she was a young girl. These sorts of skills are very valuable in the arena, so we do have a good feeling about her from the start. She has a big heart too, but she tries to keep it locked away to survive. She’s a wonderful complicated character, with lots of layers, lots of strengths and weaknesses and you find you actually really, really care about what happens to her. She’s not had an easy life by any means, so you really feel for this happening to her and just really, really want a happy ending for her.
In fact, all the characters are wonderfully well written, even the baddies have shades of grey. There’s a wonderful balance in these books, in the writing and the characters, where you see both sides to the story and its wonderful! All the characters are interesting, even the minor ones all have personalities, though it definitely doesn’t get bogged down into “making characters 3d” just for the sake of it. It just feels very natural and you can really see/hear these characters when you read and I think this makes you care so much about the characters. I won’t say too much about the other characters, but there’s a right old mixture and you find yourselves rooting for them soooo much!
Thirdly, then, the writing style. I think it’s wonderful, amazing and very, very clever. It’s written in first person, which is unusual and tantamount to disaster, but I think, it’s one of the biggest strengths of the books. We see everything through Katniss’ eyes, see her thoughts, see her descriptions, everything! Yet, because she’s so tough, so pragmatic, she doesn’t hang around having long internal thoughts or masses of description. She says what’s needed and gets on with things. This gives the story a very fast pace, which is one big reason why it’s so gripping, but it also helps provide the balance. The “seeing both sides” is such a wonderful part of the book and because Katniss is so matter of fact and too the point, we get both sides in just enough detail for it to be there, but NOT get bogged down in it. Same with the brutality of the games themselves. Katniss just gets on and survives, she doesn’t waste time pondering the morals of it all, but they are still there. It’s a wonderful balance and you’ll definitely see what I mean when you read the books.
Now, that’s not to say she’s cold or heartless, quite the contrary. She has a massive heart and she cares and feels things deeply. But she has this wonderful (and, admittedly at times frustrating) way of justifying her feelings, making them seem practical and matter-of-fact. This means that we get to see Katniss’ emotions, her thoughts and feelings, in a really wonderful way, with the right balance and without any overkill. She’s also very perceptive, so you get the other characters just as well too, even though you see them through Katniss’ eyes. And because Katniss is so pragmatic, we don’t get lots of long winded descriptions or over the top analogues and waffle. Instead, it’s pretty much the bare minimum, but, at the same time, you are still very much there with her, can imagine and habitat the world she’s in and see the more complex messages the story is trying to get through.
Which brings me to my fourth point, the bigger messages/morals. Obviously, given the subject matter, there’re lots of them, BUT because of the style of writing, they are put across very well, very clearly, yet without any waffle or need to get bogged down in them. You get the point, but it’s subtle, not hit you over the head and shove it down your throat. And because of this wonderful balance, you see the two sides to everything, that things are a lot more complicated and there is no one, hard and simple solution. That the world doesn’t come tied up in big blue ribbon of happiness. The political, moral and environmental/futuristic issues within are just put across so brilliantly, it’s amazing! I can’t go into too much detail, but you’ll know what I mean when you read the books!
Fifthly then, the romance! Yes, all young adult fantasy stories have to have them, and I certainly am not one to complain about that. I definitely think a nice good romance in the background is a brilliant way to add more dimensions to the story. (And on a side note, there are so many amazingly portrayed dimensions/layers to these books it’s unreal!). So, yeah, I never usually mind a good romance, but I usually just enjoy them in the background, get annoyed if the love triangle gets a bit too unrealistic and soppy, and know they’ll have a happy ending. But THIS love story! MY GOSH!!!! I don’t want to say too much about it for fear of ruining the story or pushing you into a ship, but GOSH! For those of you who know my obsession with Mary and Matthew from Downton Abbey - let’s just say, this is almost on par with them!!
And the other great thing is, the love story isn’t just there for the sake of interest. It’s integral to the whole plot of all three books! Yes, there is the love triangle, but it’s handled very, very well and it fits, makes sense and to be quite honest, I don’t think the books would work without it. And considering how much I hate love triangles, that’s quite a feat for me to say!
Now, that’s not to say this is a love story, in fact the love story is just one of the many elements within, but it is important and it kick starts so many things, it’s amazing! It’s not soppy, never soppy (I hate soppiness even more than love triangles) but it is amazing and so moving and heartbreaking and angsty and adorable and wonderful and epic and beautiful…. (Sorry, got a bit fangirly again for a minute there!). And the “love” element is not just romance love either, but love for family/friends, your country and even complete strangers. In fact, there’s some incredibly moving moments on the latter, which had me doing a Violet Crawley and saying I had a cold!
In fact, that should be its own point, just how moving and powerful these books are! They don’t take the easy way out, they are hard and brutal and gritty and realistic at times, but gosh, so amazingly moving too! Through Katniss’ eyes, we see so much, so many things which are truly epic, which make you stop and need a little breathe! Good and bad things, some very emotional and painful, others just wonderful and so, so moving! Yet at the same time, again, because Katniss is so pragmatic and to the point, they don’t wallow or glorify these things, the book doesn’t waste lots of words on them. And this works, because any more would be too much, too OTT and preachy even, too little wouldn’t have enough impact. The balance is JUST perfect!
Okay, so then, bad points… Hmmmmm. Really have to think about this one. I don’t think there are any really. The books take some paths I wouldn’t have taken if I were writing it, but they work so very, very well, that it’s hard to use that as a criticism.
And gosh! Didn’t really mean to write all that! I just can’t stop gushing about these amazing books! They are just truly epic, it’s so hard to put into words what makes them so wonderful and powerful and heartbreaking and addictive, but they are!
So, whilst I do have to warn you that these books will most likely take over your life, READ THEM! You will very soon see exactly what I mean!! And you do not want to miss out on these amazing books!!!
Oh and please comment below, but please keep it spoiler free. I'll be writing another post about the plot/characters etc soon, which you can have spoilery comments in. Thanks!