Downton Abbey Christmas Special

Dec 27, 2012 15:59

Ok, so I finally had chance to watch it last night and I was definitely not happy with the ending - but I’ll come to that later.

Firstly, I just want to say that as a whole, I quite liked the Christmas special. It was nowhere near as perfect as the last, and I wasn’t too keen on setting it in summer, but for the most part, it was good.

So here are my ( Read more... )

downton abbey, fandom musings, mary & matthew

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Comments 22

Brilliant, just brilliant kavan30013 December 27 2012, 16:24:33 UTC
I've seen several blogs and entries that sum up how I feel about the Christmas special and the likely aftermath. I probably will watch an episode or so but I'm not excited about series four at all.

I always felt DA should do three series tops. So when I heard about the fourth I wasn't excited. But I hoped for the best.

Now knowing what I know I wish they'd let the CS close the story.

I love so much about DA-Mrs. Hughes'awesomeness, Isobel/Violet's fun rivalry, HB's depiction of an Edwardian, Sybil's serious one spun but for me the core of the show was M/M both as individuals and as a duo. And now that's mostly gone.

Also I just feel it was a huge mistake to kill Matthew. He was the forward looking, positive player and without that the show loses something. In fact the way he was killed off taints something about the whole show.

I just don't know how JF can make this work and I'm less and less interested.


Re: silverducks December 27 2012, 17:54:33 UTC
At the end of series 3, I felt like the show still had potential. It wasn't as crisp and bright and brilliant as series 1, but the potential was still there and I did want another series for it to redeem that magic ( ... )


koloagirl December 27 2012, 17:04:52 UTC
Without intending any sarcasm or snark, I am sure DA will find a way to carry on without Matthew. Back in the 80s, when US soaps actually had decent writing staffs and budgets, it wasn't unusual for the favorite pairing to be split up either temporarily or permanently because the actor/actress was moving on to other projects or because there were behind-the-scenes tensions between actor / producer-what-have-you. And that's likewise the norm on Coronation Street, EastEnders, etc., correct? As a result, I suppose I'm somewhat accustomed to something like this happening and moving on with the introduction of new characters ( ... )


silverducks December 27 2012, 18:03:26 UTC
The thing is though, DA isn't really a soap, it's more of a drama and has a much more close knit cast. It doesn't have as many characters that continually come and go ( ... )


koloagirl December 27 2012, 22:41:37 UTC
*chuckles* Oh, it's a soap. Evening dramas and daytime soaps are not all that different from one another -- the main difference is what time of day they air and how much violence / sex they can contain as a result. There's very little difference to programs like Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Dallas, Ally McBeal, etc.


silverducks December 28 2012, 01:11:23 UTC
Hmmm, I guess I'm thinking of British soaps, and Downton isn't really that much like them. It shares elements of course - one could argue that a soap is just a long running drama - but it is different enough I think. For a start, a soap needs enough plots to keep it going day in, day out, week in, week out, year in, year out. Downton Abbey only has a relatively short series, so they don't need to dreg the bottom of the barrel for storylines quite the same. And it is only on for a short period each year ( ... )


wildmagelet December 27 2012, 20:56:22 UTC
I really enjoyed the Christmas special - Anna and Bates made me smile in particular. It was nice to see them have nothing but happiness for once. I agree that most of the young staff were completely underused and also that it was good to see Thomas being decent. I do kind of wish there had been an actual suitor for Mrs. Patmore, because as Daisy said, she is a woman, she's not just a cardboard figure for comic relief and snarky comments ( ... )


silverducks December 28 2012, 01:16:41 UTC
I'm not a big Anna/Bates fan, but they did make me smile a bit this episode - they were more fun than soppy and Anna seemed much more spunky this episode as well, more like the Anna I first liked in series 1.

And as much as I would like an actual suitor for Mrs Patmore, she can't leave Downton! And I'm not sure how else they could have resolved that storyline without it feeling too much like the Elsie one in series 1.

I see what you're saying with Edith, but I guess I just can't approve of her chasing after a married man, who just seems so heartless when it comes to his current wife! And I just find the guy creepy and sleazy! I can't help it, but I want a proper, dashing and decent guy for Edith!

And I sincerley wish I could settle for AU, but I'm too much a stickler for canon for that to work for me.


visionsbeyond December 27 2012, 21:01:53 UTC
Excellent post! You took the words right out of my mouth. Right now I'm so caught up between hating Dan Stevens and JF that I'm not sure who to blame :( M/M were the star couple! I've loved them right since season 1 and weeped for them during s2 and cheered when they finally got married in s3 but gah this abrupt ending ruins it for me. I had an idea that they would probably kill off Matthew too after rumors were confirmed that DS wanted to leave the show but I never thought they'd actually do it. I thought they'd send him away or something but you're right when you said that such a thing would make no sense ( ... )


kavan30013 December 27 2012, 21:49:26 UTC
I think a lot depends on how long JF sees DA lasting and how long MD is sticking around for. Because really based on the lower ratings and critical response to the last series (before the CS) I honestly think its done at four. And if so I think Mary will go the Violet/Rosamund widow route-whereby she might have other relationships but they will pale in comparison. I think Matthew was her soul mate and while she might have other relationship I think her son will be her priority and that because of him she'll remain at Downton.

I see Branson and Mary having a relationship like Matthew/Edith where they were close friends who supported each other. Branson can help her with the estate and teach her things. Making it romantic would be stupid. JF can generate a close friendship bond between the two without it having to be romantic.


silverducks December 28 2012, 01:25:30 UTC
I hope it is done at 4 now. I really think the show is already past its sell by date after that CS. And I feel like such a traitor for saying so, but as much as I love DA, it's gone too far away from what it once set up to be. With no more Mary and Matthew, I don't think I'll be any where near as interested in the show.

I hope we do see a nice friendship between Mary and Branson now, but I agree, any romance would be stupid.


silverducks December 28 2012, 01:22:45 UTC
I can't hate Fellowes or Dan Stevens. I feel like they were blocked into a corner by the powers that be who just wanted to make more money with another series. I think it will come back and bite them, because I think it's gone too far off track now and people are just not as happy with it anymore. But it's too late for us Mary/Matthew shippers - and the Sybil/Branson shippers too!

I think the show has been going downhill too much and this will only make it die faster.

I think I could just about settle for Evelyn Napier for Mary, but really, a far better storyline would be to make her a strong, widow and mother - I mean, it happened to Violet, Rosamund and Isobel, so she should have lots of support. I hope they save the romance for Edith and Rose now - and downstairs too!

And yes, I do hope series 4 won't be a complete mess! I still care about so many of the characters and I want them to get a decent series.


tekalynn December 28 2012, 07:22:03 UTC
I feel very sorry for you and all the Matthew/Mary shippers who have put so much into this show and this pairing. Having your OTP destroyed by canon for no logical in-story reason, and so contemptuously, really hurts. My sincere sympathies.


silverducks December 28 2012, 12:45:46 UTC

I don't think it would feel so bad if I hadn't been so commited to the ship! Still, they did end up end-game, got married and everything, so that's something at least.

Even the writer really wanted Matthew to stay, so I can take comfort from the fact that he intended them to live happily ever after.


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