Welcome back ...kfrogpaulApril 4 2005, 20:42:54 UTC
Even though I only got your livejournal link a couple of days ago ... I'm glad you're updating again! I'll e-mail you soon. (Assuming you know who this is -- if not, all the better! :: evil laugh ::
Re: Welcome back ...silverenApril 6 2005, 02:28:44 UTC
photo notwishstanding, stranger, i think iv decoded your identity. deduced, you might say, through your pseudo-moniker. lets break it down:
k - hmm...a little out in left field, so ill come back.
frog - fairly selfexplanatory. but the only guy iv ever known to collect any kind of froggy memorabilia only did so with a special frog named kermit...solving the "k" dillemma.
halt...i wouldt protest to your "black and white" or "rasberry" mochas on any other occassion. but to call my black coffee gay, and support your claim with your silly, fru-fru drinks...thats a bit contradictory. i doubt you could handle a good cup of straight coffee. hehe.
you sound ignorant.silmiriel81April 5 2005, 23:59:05 UTC
i must say i completely agree with him on this, Corey fellow. mochas and other heavily flavored coffees are definitely more gay than the straight stuff. (no pun intende.) having worked in a cafe for more than 2 years, i have to say, the manly men got the black coffee and the gay guys wanted chocolate raspberries. so, um...yeah. step off!
Comments 10
k - hmm...a little out in left field, so ill come back.
frog - fairly selfexplanatory. but the only guy iv ever known to collect any kind of froggy memorabilia only did so with a special frog named kermit...solving the "k" dillemma.
good to see you paul. send me that email.
I hate the military, guy. It's screwed me 8 ways from sunday. As you can tell, I'm pretty down and out right now.
See you this next weekend,
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