Just saw a commercial for American Idol's wildcard show. I think one of the contestants looks like Bryan Singer's love child... no really... go look for yourself...
Err, everyone who sent email in the last few days, it might be a bit before I can get back to you. For some reason, my mail program freezes every time I try to open my email account. :S Massive suckage
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Meanwhile, she’s [Brittany Murphy] doing more voice work (Murphy got her schooling voicing Luanne in King Of The Hill) in Happy Feet, a musical featuring Nicole Kidman, Elijah Wood, Hugh Jackman and a Beatles soundtrack.
OMG, imagine that, I've disappeared yet again. The fact that I've largely been away from the net since February 2nd is mildly nauseating. I've got a feeling that I'll be disappearing again on Monday. But, I figured I might as well pop in to let people know I'm still moving around in one piece
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Am officially tired of hearing about boob-gate. Walked into the office and heard the story from 4 or 5 people (along with running commentary about morality and MTV's lack thereof). Then, came home and turned on CNN... boob-gate.... MSNBC... boob-gate... Fox News... boob-gate and the moral decline of today's youth
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