The Italian government has approved a draft law that would oblige everybody who writes a blog/ posts a video on the net/ produces parainformative material to be enlisted in the ROC - a register of the Communications Authority - pay a tax, and provide information about the content they intend to publish.
Here's a
petition to try and stop this CRAZY
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Comments 4
And can non-Italians sign the petition? I had a look, and sadly, I don't understand Italian - what does CAP mean? And should both Accetto boxes be checked? (I guess that means accept.) Sorry for all the questions. :-)
I'm disgusted by the amount of arrogance and ignorance it takes to even *think* about something like this. I honestly can't imagine how they would find out that one has a blog/lj. This draft law would be ridiculous if it wasn't already tragic.
Non posso credere che qualcuno possa anche solo aver pensato ad una legge del genere. Questa è PURA e SEMPLICE CENSURA!
Facendo una cosa del genere non solo il 90% del web italiano sparirebbe nel nulla, ma quello che resterebbe intatto sarebbe sottoposto al vaglio dei censori.
Mi viene da piangere. Vado subito a firmare.
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