Happy New Year!!

Dec 31, 2012 23:02

*is dragged kicking and screaming into the new year* Literally this time! Enough with the new years! I demand it stay one year all the time! ^_^

Oh, well, I kicking into the new year in style. I'm watching SW:ROTJ! XD

And this is adorable!!

Enough, she says, enough! )

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Comments 2

shantari January 3 2013, 01:29:33 UTC
She really is adorable, like her mommy. ♥ And thankfully she hasn't inherited her grandpa's way of having the exact same amusing look of perplexity in every single picture. XD


silverjedi January 3 2013, 04:51:05 UTC
I can only imagine what she's like when the camera is gone! I hope she continues being so cute and adorable this year! Ha, yeah, I've noticed he's not very expressive. One look to rule them all! XD


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