Dear Eric Kripke...

May 15, 2009 00:19

I have just watched the last episode of Supernatural season 4.

As my thoughts are a little jumbled by ahfdsgnjgvlkndl! I will sum up via character. Thank you.

Bobby - I love you. You know this. All I ask of you is to keep being as awesome as you already are.

Chuck - You are also made of love. But you are not Dean so don't pat the angel.

Ruby - I liked you when you were blonde. I liked you almost as much when we first saw you as a brunette. I have liked you progressively less as the season has continued. You have interfered with My Boys. I cheered out loud when Dean killed you, and I fully plan to cheer again when I rewatch the episode in approximately 2.3 minutes. Bitch.

Zachariah - You are a dick, and I would like to see you castrated. Slowly. Bitch.

Lilith & Azazel - I hate you both, but unlike Ruby and Zach, I respect you. I actually would not mind seeing you again in hallucinations, flashbacks, or even in person.

And now for the final three,

Castiel - I will love you for all eternity. Luckily your RL counterpart has signed a contract to become a regular in Season 5, so eternity looks to be a possibility. Why do I have the feeling that Cas has been sort of... "infected" by humanity. I mean, compared to the first time we saw him, he's still a total badass, but he's also feeling. Particularly when it comes to Dean and by extension Sam. He's even cracking jokes. So, this is going to be interesting.

Sam - Oh, honey. You really are living proof that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe that should be out of hell. I'm glad you've got your mind back, and I cannot express the glee I felt when you heard Dean, or when you jumped up to hold Ruby for the knife, but darling...

I realize that for most of the year you were high out of your mind, but you've got a heck of a lot to make up for. Not the least of which is underestimating your brother. I'm giving you a chance here kid, take it.

Dean - I really want to see you kick Lucifer's ass right back down to Hell. But whoo boy.

I hurt so much for you. You've been through so much the last few years, and you feel everything so deeply. I love that you are not your father, and I love that the whole time you were in timeout your one priority was to reach out and find Sam to make things right, before you ever had an inkling about the Last Seal. I love that hearing that the Angels want war didn't break you, I love that it made you angry. And I love, love, love that you and Sam are together at the rising of Lucifer, because you are going to beat his ass down, and Zachariah's too!

And then when your feeling up to it, I think you should go have amazingly hot sex with Cas. Just a suggestion.

In conclusion, this is gonna be a long ass summer.

i like t.v., supernatural

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