Title: Paper Heart
Length: One-shot
Genre: Angst
Summary: Jaejoong's spending his first birthday in 3 years w/o Yunho, & he's still getting over it. When he resolutes to be strong & forget about it, Yunho messages him & call him up. Will he get swayed again?
A/N: dedicated to
ernieduckie who gave the prompt 'paper'! <3 Sorry for the delay, hun. Anyway, I'll try
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Comments 31
There must be some gd reason Yun have for leaving Jae...
Though Yun should be more apologetic in the 1st place~
Thanks for reading & commenting, dear! Means alot to me :)
still, this was truly with all honesty beautifully written. the way you described jaejoong's feelings was just pure asjkdfgh ♥. it's a never ending self reassurance and delusion, scribbling and crossing out and scribbling and crossing out again, it's a cycle that never stops when one's heart yearns for the other. guuh what have you done to me. D:
love you like always deaaaaar. <3
Gah, I miss you so much. Where have you gone.
'Where'd you go, I'd miss you so...seems like it's been forever, that you've been gone...pls come back homee homee homeee' -echoes into the distance
love you plenty plenty ms hark. ♥♥♥♥♥& i know jongkey's your guilty pleasure. p.s: where do you spot things about them, man! stalk their vids? :)
i haven't been writing lately, how how how? D: prompt me pwease?
i miss you more you idiot. and harkhui has gone studying, for her teachers have deemed her stupid. ;_;
i read jongkey. i swear the jongkey fandom has wonderful writers. *_*
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