SP - Permissons

May 22, 2011 01:57

Ability Permissions:
Reim doesn't have an ability, so no permissions needed.

General Permissions:
Yes. I'll usually keep replying until the thread ends by itself or a character cuts off the conversation.

Yes. Depending on the person Xerxes Break, Reim may get flustered and angry. Other than that, he'll probably react in a pretty favorable manner.

Fourth Wall
Maybe. Reim won't break the forth wall himself, but your character can do it if the need arises.

Yes. Expect stuttering and turning red in the face. He's not use to that sort of thing.

Romance or Sex
Maybe. As cute as a romance with Reim would be, ask first. Thanks!

Mind Control or Mind Break
Maybe. It might work well with Vincent and the Head Hunter, especially with no Rufus Barma around. Just talk to me first.

Maybe. Reim's not much of a fighter, but he might get in a conflict with someone if something serious happens. He'll try and talk his way out of the fight first, however. If he can talk your character down, he will. Again, ask.

Maybe. Character and situation dependent. I'm not going to just hand him over to the first psycho that walks by (although that does sound appealing - if you want to do that outside of SP in a meme or something, ask). Please ask before you tie him up and try to pry answers out of him, thanks.

Death or Permanent Injury
Maybe. Death, no. Permanent injury, it depends. Just ask.

permissions, siren's pull

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