Dear Yoda
Thank you for writing for me and I hope these prompts inspire you.
I'm pretty easy going and I'll try reading practically anything so don't worry too much about whether I'll like something. Tropes I love include enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating, outside points of view, case fic, characters having a conversation over food or drink, time travel, canon AUs where one thing changes, AUs where a character lives instead of dies, brief encounters.
I'm not the biggest fan of major character death unless it's already happened in canon, non canonical limb injuries, torture or Sith!AUs.
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Luke Skywalker
I like seeing characters I adore together and these two didn't get to spend much time with each other. I want to see how you'd get them together whether it is dating a Force ghost, time travel, Jedi lessons etc. Or there is so much Obi-Wan never told Luke, if Obi-Wan lived how do you think he'd handle revealing his secrets to Luke.
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ahsoka Tano
These two have been through a lot together. Do they still trust each other? What would happen if they met again after the Clone Wars? Maybe they meet in a bar on Tatooine? Maybe they get involved in one last mission together?
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka was so close to Obi-Wan when she was a Padawan. You could write about a mission they worked on together or maybe how they first got to know each other. What if Ahsoka really did become Obi-Wan's padawan would anything be different? Did they ever meet again after Ahsoka left the order and how did Ahsoka feel about Obi-Wan's position on the council that condemned her, or did that just fade into insignificance in the light of everything else that happened. Did she meet Obi-Wan after discovering who Vader used to be?
Anakin Skywalker/Ahsoka Tano
These two both think the other is brilliant and I'm still a little broken hearted by their confrontation at the end of Rebels Season 2. I'm fine with this being any time from late Clone Wars era to Rebels or Original Trilogy. I like Padmé, so I'd appreciate it if you could respect her character while writing this.
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze
These two are so great with the sniping at each other and the thinly disguised flirtation, their history and their utter devotion to their respective duties. I'd love to know more about exactly what happened when they first met, or a missing moment from the Clone Wars, or even an alternate universe where Satine lives.
Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker
Any interaction between these two fascinates me. I always love exploring Vader discovering who Leia is before their encounter on the Death Star. Time travel or visions of the future offer a lot of scope, whether on not they have any idea of their relationship. Vader or Anakin
Rex & Leia Organa
Rebels spoilers Now we know that it really was Rex on Endor I'd love to see any connection between them explored. Had they met before? Does Rex discover that she is Anakin's daughter? How would Leia react to Rex's stories about Anakin?
Depa Billaba & Kanan Jarrus
I really loved the Kanan comic and these two really came to life in it. Anything about them would be great, You could explore their short time together during the Clone Wars, force ghosts, Kanan thinking about her after her death, or an AU where they both escape the Clones - would Caleb be a bit different to the Kanan we know?
Thank you!
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