Title: Hokage-sama
By: Silvershine
Pairing: KakaSaku
Rating: M/R/NC-17
Warnings: Complete!
“What?” she asked, still feigning complete innocence. “You started it when you touched my leg.”
“No, you started it when you sat on my lap,” he retorted. “What are you up to? Blackmail? Bribery?”
Her head tilted to the side, presenting him
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Comments 5
I would have replied and read it on FF but I can't access it right now, so I'm very happy that you post to LJ. *cheers*
so you do have an LJ account!
deceptively named silvershiny
i like your stories a lot becuase they have so much
originality and plot in it! and the fact that you update regularly~~
i loved nymph, it was something i really could see happening
i also loved house of crows and followed it to the end
niceee plot! and making kakashi have a family and be very strong was cool! (i hate how kakashi is basically an average ninja in naruto now with all the big people rolling out like pein and madara)
you also made me ilke your minato kushina fic (a pairing which i dont usually follow) fluff!
cant wait for scarlet scroll (thats your next sasukakasaku fic right??) hope kakashi ends up with the girl because seriously, i hate sasuke's guts.
it's sad you didnt enter the shakespeare competiton tho... i was wondering why no one would do romeo and juliet.. xD
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