According to using there 4 quadrant chart i am 8.38 on the economic right, and 5.69 scoial Authoritarian. Which means Bush and Thacher are to the left of me. I love being an extreme rightist bastard.
So I finished my paper at around 430 this morning. As i finished I said hey it is 430 odds are my dad will wake me in about 2 1/2 hours to say hey your paper sucks nuts, but not to worry i fixed it and made it better, much like the 6 million dollarman. So in my infinite wisdom I said to myself no sense in going to sleep might as well stay up and
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i am in the process of writing a 6-8 pager for my public opinion class. i am taking a look at an ipsos poll and a gallup poll that is give Bush's job approval raing. this sucks nuts, i have like 3 pages done and i don't want to do any more.
So the worst thing that could happen happened. My man Eric Lindros signed with the Maple Leafs. This is a team that hate more than anything else. It is a very sad day for me, but he is going to suck because he has less than half a brain left, and 414 people so far agree that he sucks. But, life will go on my Flyers made some nice acquisitions
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So sadly on monday I saw the Buffy episode that was done with singing and dancing. Now ordinarily I would not object to seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar bouncing around the set, but the singing it was catchy and one song got stuck in my head, and it just won’t leave. It has been in my head all week and nothing that I listen to will knock it out. Damn
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I do love working at the Statehouse, especially in the summer, because there is soooooo much to do and by so much I mean there is nothing at all for me to do. Since it is Friday it makes it even more fun being here for 8 hours. The only thing that I have done so far is stare at my computer for about 30 min, and then read some news on MSNBC and
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Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects
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Ok so I went in really really wanting to hate this. But, damn it I couldn’t. I mean some of the camera angles were bad and at times it moved real slow. But Gotham looked ta sweet much better than I thought that it would. Some of the action sequences looked hokey because the set was poorly lit and the camera just didn’t want to be in the right
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