Why, Gore Verbinski, why?
That's the biggest question I have (because there are so many). Why did they take a perfectly good opportunity to end a trilogy and screw it up so badly?
I LOVE the Pirates franchise...but this movie was, frankly, terrible. The last half hour was a little better with some more action (the one thing these movie-makers are still good at), only slightly making up for the rest of this THREE HOUR monstrosity.
The main reason for its failure to deliver is a plot which is exceedingly and unnecessarily complicated. Five minutes after leaving the theater my friends and I had trouble recalling how certain events led to other events in the movie. This movie is in dire need of a good editor. There were certain plot points that in the end had absolutely no bearing on the outcome of the film, and still puzzle me as to why they were even included. There were scores of new characters introduced, for what reason I still don't know... and backstory just for the sake of backstory apparently. A decent writer would have helped too. They seemed to dismiss the idea of having a movie turn on a story arc, instead just opting for one plot turn, followed by another, followed by another, etc. with all pretty much unrelated to each other. It didn't even end well, with a satisfied and finished feeling I was expecting after being deprived of it at the end of the second film.
Of course there is Jack. And where there is Jack, there is always a film at least worth seeing. But they didn't even utilize him to his full potential in this one compared to the first two. The scenes where they attempt to "maximize" his character are just forced and barely amusing, and an obvious attempt to please Captain Jack fangirls.
Of course Will and Elisabeth are pretty much the same as always, which is rather unimpressive in my view. Ever since the first movie I have cringed at Keira Knightley's horrible acting, although granted they do give Elisabeth stupid lines to begin with. She tries to give a motivational speech in this one ala Aragorn in Return of the King, but this one pretty much falls flat. I find it hard to take anything she says very seriously. Although Orlando Bloom is a slightly better actor, his character is a complete dope, so it's pretty hard to get behind either one of them.
Ultimately Jack and Barbossa are the best part of this film. I can understand still wanting to see this one, since the second movie ended so abruptly there's a strong urge just to find out what happens. Fine. Go see it. Just don't expect much.