omg i just beat final fantasy xiii aklsfja;sfasf'f
SINCE the last time I posted it was just initial impressions here's some endgame thoughts on the characters, story, battle system, etc etc.
Okay, let me do another character run down:
Lightning really developed during the course of the game into an actual leader and not just someone who barked orders and stormed off. She encouraged the team but her speeches weren't irritatingly as cliche as they could have been, and I could buy her transition as a character rather than just thinking she suddenly changed to a ~nice guy~. She's still my favorite character by far, I just can't help but love her. ;o;
Vanille oh god, Vanille. WHEN WILL YOU STOP WITH THE LIEEEES. But she is second fave for me, I like that the "perky girl" actually had some more depth to her this time around. She went from being an adorable stereotype to a character you could actually care about and wasn't just there for eye candy... although...obviously THERE WAS A LOT OF THAT TOO. ahem. But still, she was well written.
Hope, like Vanille, was also really well written. I started out hating him and by the end of the game I totally loved the kid. Snow was only slightly less irritating but even he was tolerable by the end of the game (I've still NEVER USED HIM in battle other than when I had to though, lulz). Fang is just hot stuff and her devotion to Vanille was so heartbreaking. OTP right there, man. Annnd last but not least Sazh! He didn't go through drastic development like the others but he remained a solid, likable character throughout the game.
As for the gameplay, I was almost overwhelmed when I stepped out onto Gran Pulse. Especially when those giant turtle...things are stomping around and Vanille's all like, "Look out, sometimes they kick!" oh god. The battle system was really a win for this game, I have to say. When I first started I didn't really get the paradigm system and now I can't live without it. Personally I hate turned based battle systems so the fact that this was so quick paced was a welcome change. Plus, I really liked that it was more about strategy than just leveling. lmao I am a horrible RPG fan...I hate leveling and atb ...wat
OKAY BUT IT'S NOT ALL GOOD. I will be objective here. Some things were unclear unless you read the datalogs and the ending was kind of...what? I mean, I understood completely why Fang and Vanille sacrificed themselves, but the random "WE'RE CIETH OH WAIT JK" really threw me off. So yeah. That was sort of my biggest issue. I know the game gets a lot of hate because of the linearity but I didn't mind it -- it made sense within the storyline and the game opened up later on so I didn't mind. Your Mileage May Vary? So yeah, ups and downs, but overall I loved it. I have to say the biggest pluses are the battle system and the character development. The cast is really, really amazing and I hope they continue on this path in future installments. And the missions! c: