The first of many ficlets on the horizon. This one is for
brandywine421, to while away the hours minutes.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Fox.
Spoilers: Through season 3
Words: 500(ish)
Summary: "...Excerpts from Minutes from Sunnydale Senior Staff Meeting, Tuesday May 18th 1999..."
Corridors of Power )
Comments 7
This is awesome.
His proposal that the traditional musical selection of Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance be replaced with Nearer My God To Thee was not seconded and the motion denied.
Glad you enjoyed the ficlet honeybunch, I've never been terribly comfortable writing Buffy (probably because I adore the show to ridiculous proportions).
I am desparately hoping that the Ripper movie is going to happen. Desparately.
I miss my Buffy :(
I'd love another Fray story.
The second agenda item was particularly wonderful, and I do love a bit of Snarky!Giles.
Ah, Principal Snyder. Never did death by snake happen to a more deserving bloke.
I did miss Principal Snyder in later seasons, he was entertaining. It would have been neat if he could have turned up in season seven, just once.
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