So, about a month ago, I decided to sign up for NaNo Camp, hoping to catch up with my writing. And then (of course) things happened here in Greece. I'm sure everyone (and their cats) knows about them and there goes my NaNo effort
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All the new measures they're proposing are preposterous!!Like you, if I get started, I can think of many 4 letter words, so I am trying very hard to stay civil!!:/
Instead of upping taxes in high-end hotels, cafes, restaurants and the like and instead of taxing things like tobacco and alcohol and luxury items-like oh boats, maybe, hello?-they're increasing taxes on pads and condoms and brilliant are they? NOT!:/
Comments 2
Instead of upping taxes in high-end hotels, cafes, restaurants and the like and instead of taxing things like tobacco and alcohol and luxury items-like oh boats, maybe, hello?-they're increasing taxes on pads and condoms and brilliant are they? NOT!:/
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