Thank you! yes, it was nice. Very relaxed and low-key, but nice. :)
Heh, yeah, I know. *neck-rub* In the age of social media, it's hard to keep up with hem all, and LJ has been the one to be neglected for a while now.
The allure of Tumblr, my resurfacing on DA and stuff happening IRL in combination with LJ killing my main reason for using their service (the Scrapbook) all boils down to my current falling off the planet-ness.
Will try to remember to post here more often, promise!'s not a problem. I totally understand that whole "Real Live and Other Fun Stuff" thing. ;) I haven't been posting here very much, myself. But I still miss you, and I'm glad things are going well for you.
If you're interested, I'm pretty sure I still have some invite codes for Dreamwidth. (I post there and cross-post here.) Let me know. :)
Comments 17
Unfortunately most friends were busy last week, but that just means I have a cake rain check to cash in soon. X3
Missed seeing you around here. ~hug~
Heh, yeah, I know. *neck-rub* In the age of social media, it's hard to keep up with hem all, and LJ has been the one to be neglected for a while now.
The allure of Tumblr, my resurfacing on DA and stuff happening IRL in combination with LJ killing my main reason for using their service (the Scrapbook) all boils down to my current falling off the planet-ness.
Will try to remember to post here more often, promise!
If you're interested, I'm pretty sure I still have some invite codes for Dreamwidth. (I post there and cross-post here.) Let me know. :)
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