what the hell, let's kill hitler!

Aug 28, 2011 16:21

Er- I don't even know what to say, so I think I'll just list everything about the episode.

How does River/Melody's timeline work? Does she get new memories every time the Doctor screws up something, only to fix it again? Like, last year, the Big Bang 2, did she only realise that Amy and Rory were her parents afterwards or did she know in the version of reality with the cracks too?

Okay, okay. The idea I've developed watching LKH last night is that baby!Melody is taken away by Kovarian and raised in 1969, in the Orphanage, being every once in a while indoctrinated that she has to kill the Doctor. Then Amy shoots her and she ends up regenerating in New York - she becomes a toddler, she says. Cool, so far everything's cool, but then? Then what? How does she grow up alongside Amy and Rory as Mels? And is she there, buying time until the Doctor shows up to at last kill him? Is that how we end up in Hitler's office?

So, so, so very confused I am. O_o

Aside from the endless conundrum that River presents, the episode had me enthralled; I did actually forget that it was meant to end at some point. I loved the moments immediately after her regeneration, when she's half-pretending, half-not, to be genuinely interested in her new body - only to understand that she throws away that comment about her weight to exit the room and put on the poisonous lipstick (a precursor of the hallucinogenic one?). Moffat makes me second-guess everything, every single time.

The one bit I did not appreciate is the whole Doctor-dying dilemma because, well, let's be honest, it doesn't work well with his death in TIA. It just doesn't. Too much cop-out death, too little actual death. And though I understand that it needed to be like that for River to become River, then why have a mirror-image in TIA? Why? This semi-death would have felt so much more significant, had TIA been death-less.

All in all, Series 6 cannot be understood bit by bit. I'm waiting for the whole thing to judge.

doctor who, river song is awesome, dilemmas, poisons & hallucinogens, speculative shenanigans, time-travel breaks my brain

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